Space and Planetary Sciences(P) | ||
Session Sub-category | Solar-Terrestrial Sciences, Space Electromagnetism & Space Environment | |
Session ID | P-EM15 | |
Title | Dynamics in magnetosphere and ionosphere | |
Short Title | Magnetosphere-Ionosphere | |
Main Convener | Name | Yoshimasa Tanaka |
Affiliation | National Institute of Polar Research | |
Co-Convener 1 | Name | Tomoaki Hori |
Affiliation | Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University | |
Co-Convener 2 | Name | Aoi Nakamizo |
Affiliation | Applied Electromagnetic Research Institute, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology | |
Co-Convener 3 | Name | Mitsunori Ozaki |
Affiliation | Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University | |
Session Language | EE | |
Scope | This session provides an opportunity to present recent results from satellite and ground-based observations and theoretical and simulation studies on the magnetosphere, ionosphere, and their coupling system. We invite contributions dealing with various phenomena related to the magnetosphere-ionosphere system: solar wind-magnetosphere interaction, magnetosphere-ionosphere convection, field-aligned current, magnetic storms/substorms, neutral-plasma interaction, ionospheric ion inflow and outflow, aurora phenomena, and so forth. Discussions on planetary and satellite ionosphere and magnetospheres, future missions and instrument developments are also welcome. | |
Presentation Format | Oral and Poster presentation | |
Co-Sponsoring Societies (Society Members) | Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences | |
Invited Authors |
Time | Presentation No | Title | Presenter | Abstract |
Oral Presentation May 20 AM1 | ||||
09:00 - 09:15 | PEM15-01 | Dawn-Dusk Asymmetry in Dayside auroral Ovals: Surveys of dayside auroral emission and morphology in Arctic and Antarctica | ZEJUN HU | Abstract |
09:15 - 09:30 | PEM15-02 | Red line aurora in the dayside cusp for northward IMF | Satoshi Taguchi | Abstract |
09:30 - 09:45 | PEM15-03 | Intensification of oval activity during transpolar arc event | Takahiro Obara | Abstract |
09:45 - 10:00 | PEM15-04 | Direct evidence for throat aurora being the ionospheric signature of magnetopause transient and reflectiing localized magnetopause indentations | Han Desheng | Abstract |
10:00 - 10:15 | PEM15-05 | Strongly enhanced plasma lines observed by the EISCAT Svalbard Radar during the International Polar Year | Yuka Sato | Abstract |
10:15 - 10:30 | PEM15-06 | Strong and weak heating of H+ and O+ ions by BBELF in the dayside cusp region | Atsushi Kumamoto | Abstract |
Oral Presentation May 20 AM2 | ||||
10:45 - 11:00 | PEM15-07 | Complex magnetospheric-ionospheric electric currents as a driver of spatiotemporally localized extreme ground geoelectric fields. | Antti A Pulkkinen | Abstract |
11:00 - 11:15 | PEM15-08 | Cooperative roles of dynamics and topology in generating the magnetosphere-ionosphere disturbances: case of the theta aurora | Takashi Tanaka | Abstract |
11:15 - 11:30 | PEM15-09 | Data-adaptive harmonic analysis and stochastic modeling of solar wind-magnetosphere coupling | Dmitri Kondrashov | Abstract |
11:30 - 11:45 | PEM15-10 | Pathway and conversion of solar wind energy to ionosphere: Global MHD simulation result | Yusuke Ebihara | Abstract |
11:45 - 12:00 | PEM15-11 | Ground-space observations of Pc 5 poleward moving auroral arc (PMAA) pulsations and field-line resonance (FLR) oscillations in the post midnight sector | Natsuo Sato | Abstract |
12:00 - 12:15 | PEM15-12 | Feedback instability in the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling with collision-induced velocity shear | Tomo-Hiko Watanabe | Abstract |
Oral Presentation May 20 PM1 | ||||
13:45 - 14:00 | PEM15-13 | SC-Associated Electric Field Variations in the Magnetosphere and Ionospheric Convective Flows | Khan-Hyuk Kim | Abstract |
14:00 - 14:15 | PEM15-14 | Characteristics of ionospheric electric field oscillations associated with Sudden Commencement observed by SuperDARN radars and ground magnetometers | Nozomu Nishitani | Abstract |
14:15 - 14:30 | PEM15-15 | Temporal and spatial variations of ionospheric irregularities around storm-enhanced density on the basis of GPS total electron content data analysis | Atsuki Shinbori | Abstract |
14:30 - 14:45 | PEM15-16 | Two-dimensional magnetospheric mass-density estimation from FLR events simultaneously observed by two SuperDARN radars | Hideaki Kawano | Abstract |
14:45 - 15:00 | PEM15-17 | Comprehensive study of low-latitude Pi2 pulsations using multi-point ground and Swarm satellite observations | Neethal Thomas | Abstract |
15:00 - 15:15 | PEM15-18 | Development of a miniaturized 3-axis search coil magnetometer and a wave receiver powered by a noise reduction technique for micro-satellite experiments | Yuya Tokunaga | Abstract |
Oral Presentation May 20 PM2 | ||||
15:30 - 15:45 | PEM15-19 | Identification of plasma waves observed by scientific satellites with machine learning methods | Yoshitaka Goto | Abstract |
15:45 - 16:00 | PEM15-20 | Estimation of characteristic energy of precipitating electron responsible for pulsating auroras based on the two wavelength observations | Yoshizumi Miyoshi | Abstract |
16:00 - 16:15 | PEM15-21 | RockSat-XN Observation of Precipitating High Energy Electrons over Pulsating Aurora | Taku Namekawa | Abstract |
16:15 - 16:30 | PEM15-22 | Spectral characteristics of EMIC waves observed at THEMIS probes in the outer magnetosphere | Gi-Jeong Kim | Abstract |
16:30 - 16:45 | PEM15-23 | Multi-event analysis for 1 Hz modulation of pulsating proton aurora associated with Pc1 geomagnetic pulsations | Tomohiro Inoue | Abstract |
16:45 - 17:00 | PEM15-24 | Development of unmanned auroral observation system: Operation at Amundsen Bay | Akira Kadokura | Abstract |
Oral Presentation May 21 AM1 | ||||
09:00 - 09:15 | PEM15-25 | Geocorona observation by PROCYON/LAICA and exoplanetary exosphere | Shingo Kameda | Abstract |
09:15 - 09:30 | PEM15-26 | On the generation of turbulence observed in the flank of Earth's magnetosphere | Hiroshi Hasegawa | Abstract |
09:30 - 09:45 | PEM15-27 | Transmission of the magnetospheric electric fields to the middle and low latitude ionosphere as observed by the Hokkaido SuperDARN radar and HF Doppler sounders | Takashi Kikuchi | Abstract |
09:45 - 10:00 | PEM15-28 | MMS spacecraft observation of electron-scale foreshock waves | Yasuhito Narita | Abstract |
10:00 - 10:15 | PEM15-29 | Characteristics of slow-mode shocks in the dayside magnetopause observed by MMS | Nehpreet Kaur Walia | Abstract |
10:15 - 10:30 | PEM15-30 | The spatial structure of magnetospheric plasma disturbance estimated by using magnetic data obtained by LEO satellites. | Yoshihiro Yokoyama | Abstract |
Presentation No | Title | Presenter | Abstract |
Poster Presentation May 21 Core Time | |||
PEM15-P01 | Energy conversion by slow mode waves as the driving source of large-scale Birkeland currents | Masakazu Watanabe | Abstract |
PEM15-P02 | Stormtime substorm electric fields at middle-equatorial latitudes as observed with HF Doppler sounders and magnetometers | Kumiko K. Hashimoto | Abstract |
PEM15-P03 | Variations of the dayside magnetosheath and the cusp and their relations to the substorm | Shigeru Fujita | Abstract |
PEM15-P04 | Characteristic distance between mesoscale auroral brightenings along the equatorward boundary of the cusp | Satoshi Kose | Abstract |
PEM15-P05 | Spatial structures of polar rain during the period of poleward moving cusp auroras | Kohei Takasu | Abstract |
PEM15-P06 | Plasma flow enhancements preceding a large-scale moving cusp aurora | Yunosuke Nagafusa | Abstract |
PEM15-P07 | Statistical study of Ionospheric Conductivity Dependence of the Subauroral Polarization Streams focusing on Solar Zenith Angle using the SuperDARN Hokkaido East HF Radar | Yuting Zhang | Abstract |
PEM15-P08 | The ionospheric characteristics correlated to the geomagnetic Sq fields and neutral winds over Taiwan area | Yu-Jung Chuo | Abstract |
PEM15-P09 | Nightside Ultra-Low-Frequency waves observed in the topside ionosphere by the DEMETER satellite | Xinyan Ouyang | Abstract |
PEM15-P10 | Transionospheric propagation of terrestrial VLF radiation | SHUFAN ZHAO | Abstract |
PEM15-P11 | Relation between auroral luminosity Pc 5 oscillations and Poynting flux of ULF wave Pc 5 oscillations | Tohru Sakurai | Abstract |
PEM15-P12 | Energetic electron precipitations during magnetic storms of 7-8 September, 2017 using LF/VLF standard radio waves | Miyashita Takuya | Abstract |
PEM15-P13 | Estimation of precipitating electron energy from intensity ratio of auroral red and green emissions obtained with an auroral spectrograph at Longyearbyen, Svalbard | Naoshi Yagi | Abstract |
PEM15-P14 | N2+ resonant scattering light in the topside ionosphere observed with the auroral spectrograph | Takeshi Sakanoi | Abstract |
PEM15-P15 | Transport and acceleration of electrons trapped in the inner magnetosphere in response to interplanetary shock | Takuya Ikeda | Abstract |
PEM15-P16 | The MMS Science Data Center: Data availability and Discovery Tools. | Kristopher William Larsen | Abstract |
PEM15-P17 | Investigation of the magnetic neutral line region with the frame of two-fluid equations: A possibility of anomalous resistivity inferred from MMS observations | yuki kobayashi | Abstract |
PEM15-P18 | Non-resonant acceleration of He+ by EMIC waves observed by MMS in the magnetosphere | Naritoshi Kitamura | Abstract |
PEM15-P19 | Low frequency waves observed in the downstream region of magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause | Yasuto Hoshi | Abstract |
PEM15-P20 | Mass dependence of ion temperature spatial distributions in the magnetosphere | Ryuta Asami | Abstract |
PEM15-P21 | Global characteristics of electron and ion temperatures in the plasma sheet | Kaori Watanabe | Abstract |
PEM15-P22 | Evolution of equivalent current patterns in auroral zone ionosphere during substorms | Osuke Saka | Abstract |
PEM15-P23 | Electron inertia effect on the feedback instability in the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling system | Masatoshi Kaneyama | Abstract |
PEM15-P24 | 3D current system of eastward expanding auroral surges | Yoshimasa Tanaka | Abstract |
PEM15-P25 | Effects of Ionospheric Hall Polarization on Magnetospheric Configurations and Dynamics in Global MHD Simulation | Aoi Nakamizo | Abstract |