Human Geosciences(H)
Session Sub-categoryTechnology & Techniques
Session IDH-TT14
TitleNon-destructive techniques applied to stone cultural heritage
Short TitleNon-destructive techniques
Main ConvenerNameChiaki T. Oguchi
AffiliationInstitute for Environmental Science and Technology, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University
Co-Convener 1NameCeline Elise Thomachot-Schneider
AffiliationGroupe d'etude des environnements naturels, anthropiques et archeologiques - Universite de Reims-Champagne-Ardenne (France)
Co-Convener 2NamePatricia vazquez
AffiliationUniversité de Reims Champagne-Ardenne
Session LanguageEE
Scope Non-destructive and non-invasive techniques applying to cultural heritage made of stones, soils and earthen materials have been significantly developed over past years, and thus, the interest in such techniques has greatly increased. Here, we focus the session on new devices, new protocols and new data treatments that allow better understanding of weathering mechanisms, decay states and response to treatments. A few topics would be listed as follows: 1) The development of new techniques and devices in cultural heritage and new protocols using non destructive techniques; 2) The application of these techniques and protocols on indoor and outdoor case studies and laboratory studies; 3) The assessment of weathering mechanisms, weathering kinetics, decay state, and response to treatments; and 4) The modeling and simulation of decay processes.
Presentation FormatOral and Poster presentation
Joint Session withEGU
Co-Sponsoring Societies
(Society Members)
Japanese Geomorphological Union
Presentation No Title Presenter Abstract
Poster Presentation May 22 Core Time
HTT14-P01 Relationships between weathering types and environmental condition - examples of caves and underground sites. Chiaki T. Oguchi Abstract
HTT14-P02 In situ monitoring of the weathering agents of Saint-Remi Basilica (Rheims, France) Emilie Huby Abstract