Human Geosciences(H) | ||
Session Sub-category | Geomorphology | |
Session ID | H-GM02 | |
Title | Geomorphology | |
Short Title | Geomorphology | |
Main Convener | Name | Tsuyoshi Hattanji |
Affiliation | Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba | |
Co-Convener 1 | Name | Masayuki Seto |
Affiliation | Fukushima Future Center for Regional Revitalization, Fukushima University | |
Co-Convener 2 | Name | Hiroshi Shimazu |
Affiliation | Department of Geography, Faculty of Geo-Environmental Science, Rissho University | |
Session Language | EE | |
Scope | The main subject of this session is interdisciplinary discussion on the whole range of themes relating to geomorphology, especially geomorphic processes, landform development and its relation to environmental changes, geomorphological hazards and their mitigation, relationships among geomorphic processes, other natural phenomena and human activities, and various techniques of geomorphological measurements and landform classification. All presentations and discussion of this session are made in English. | |
Presentation Format | Oral and Poster presentation | |
Co-Sponsoring Societies (Society Members) | Japanese Geomorphological Union |
Time | Presentation No | Title | Presenter | Abstract |
Oral Presentation May 23 PM1 | ||||
13:45 - 14:00 | HGM02-01 | Valley Morphological Control of Drifted Wood and Debris – the 2017 mass-movements and floods in Kyushu | Christopher A Gomez | Abstract |
14:00 - 14:15 | HGM02-02 | Differentiating Transport Mechanism of Pumices in Hyperconcentrated-flows from Numazawa Volcano – Japan | Christopher A Gomez | Abstract |
14:15 - 14:30 | HGM02-03 | Evolution of an earth flow controlled by gully incision in the Mangaehu Catchment, North Island, New Zealand | Thomas Parkner | Abstract |
14:30 - 14:45 | HGM02-04 | Contrasting patterns of rainfall-induced and earthquake-induced shallow landslides in granitic mountains, northern Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan | Tsuyoshi Hattanji | Abstract |
14:45 - 15:00 | HGM02-05 | Characteristics of lake sediment from Olgoy, Orog and Boontsagaan in Mongolia and comparison to meteorological data | Uyangaa Udaanjargal | Abstract |
15:00 - 15:15 | HGM02-06 | Relationships between the channel migration of the Amdarya, and construction of the ancient Buddhism temples and cities near Termes, south Uzbekisutan | Hiroshi Shimazu | Abstract |
Presentation No | Title | Presenter | Abstract |
Poster Presentation May 23 Core Time | |||
HGM02-P01 | Determining earthquake susceptible areas Southeast of Yogyakarta, Indonesia – Outcrop analysis from structure from motion (SfM) and geographic information system (GIS) | Christopher A Gomez | Abstract |
HGM02-P02 | Some morphological features of slope failures in granitic areas and property analyses considering rock weathering and soil formation | Md Hasan Imam | Abstract |
HGM02-P03 | Incision rate, riverbed slope and contributing area of an experimental drainage basin | Imamura Akihiro | Abstract |
HGM02-P04 | The Effect of Specific Stream Power upon the Distribution of Riparian Vegetation | Jui Tien Tsai | Abstract |
HGM02-P05 | Evaluation of geomorphological changes on Kujukuri beach from 2015 to 2018 based on UAV SfM | Mergen Kungaa | Abstract |
HGM02-P06 | Coastal Geomorphology of Ujung Genteng Tombolo Sukabumi Regency | intan elvira | Abstract |