Session Sub-categoryPaleontology
Session IDB-PT05
TitleEvolution of Chemosynthetic Ecosystem in Earth History
Short TitleEvolution of Chemosynthetic Ecosystem
Main ConvenerNameRobert Jenkins
AffiliationSchool of Natural System, College of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University
Co-Convener 1NameHiromi Kayama WATANABE
AffiliationJapan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Co-Convener 2NameTakami Nobuhara
AffiliationScience Education (Geology), Faculty of Education, Shizuoka University
Session LanguageEJ
ScopeChemosynthetic communities have changed in their taxonomic composition and spatial distribution through the Earth history, but the causes and backgrounds remain to be unclear. Topics and information in various studies will be exchanged between geology, paleontology, geochemistry, and biology. We also hope to raise some seeds of co-works on evolutionary study on chemosynthetic ecosystem.
Presentation FormatOral and Poster presentation
Co-Sponsoring Societies
(Society Members)
The Palaeontological Society of Japan
Invited Authors
  • MARUYAMA TADASHI (Kitasato University School of Marine Biosciences)
  • Kei Sato (Faculty of Science, Kyoto University)
  • Tomo Kitahashi (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
  • Miho Asada (Research Fellow of JSPS, CEAT, JAMSTEC)
Time Presentation No Title Presenter Abstract
Oral Presentation May 24 AM1
09:00 - 09:15 BPT05-01A comparative view on the evolution of symbioses of chemosynthetic symbioses and photosynthetic symbioses in marine environmentsMARUYAMA TADASHI Abstract
09:15 - 09:30 BPT05-02Shell microstructures of vent and seep pectinodontid limpets exhibiting intraspecific variations in shell morphologyKei Sato Abstract
09:30 - 09:45 BPT05-03Variation in mineral precipitates in the gill chamber and digestive tract of Rimicaris from Kairei and Edmond fields, Central Indian RidgeMasanari Hikosaka Abstract
09:45 - 10:00 BPT05-04Transportation processes of organic matter from whale bones during formation of whale-fall communitiesSo Watanabe Abstract
10:00 - 10:15 BPT05-05Effect of the drill cuttings discharged from the scientific drilling on the surrounding meiofaunal assemblage–comparison with results obtained by an imaging flow cytometerTomo Kitahashi Abstract
10:15 - 10:30 BPT05-06Mud Volcanism, one of geological features which transport fluid and sediment from depth to surface: a case study of Kumano Basin along Nankai Trough, central JapanMiho Asada Abstract
Presentation No Title Presenter Abstract
Poster Presentation May 24 Core Time
BPT05-P01 Across-axis transition of deep-sea hydrothermal vent fauna in southern Mariana Trough Hiromi Kayama WATANABE Abstract
BPT05-P02 Epifauna on a deep-sea hydrothermal vent squat lobster, Shinkaia crosnieri, in the Izena Hole of the Okinawa Trough Hiromi Kayama WATANABE Abstract
BPT05-P03 Nondestructive observation on white chimney from Shinkai Seep Field and Conical Seamount, and Calyptogena from off Hatsushima Teruaki Ishii Abstract
BPT05-P04 New species of the Jurassic to Cretaceous seep-restricted bivalve Caspiconcha from Japan, Spain and New Zealand Robert Jenkins Abstract
BPT05-P05 Perspectives: What we would like to know from the Recent and ancient chemosynthesis-based ecosystem? Robert Jenkins Abstract