Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences(A) | ||
Session Sub-category | Ocean Sciences & Ocean Environment | |
Session ID | A-OS11 | |
Title | What we have learned about ocean mixing in the last decade | |
Short Title | Ocean mixing research in the last decade | |
Main Convener | Name | Toshiyuki Hibiya |
Affiliation | Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo | |
Co-Convener 1 | Name | Louis St Laurent |
Affiliation | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | |
Co-Convener 2 | Name | Ren-Chieh Lien |
Affiliation | University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA | |
Co-Convener 3 | Name | Robin Ann Robertson |
Affiliation | China-ASEAN College of Marine Science Xiamen University Malaysia | |
Session Language | EE | |
Scope | The study of ocean mixing processes has made great strides in development of observation technology over the last decade. This includes the improvement of micro-scale and multi-scale profilers, innovation of ocean gliders, as well as identifying internal waves and turbulence through echo sounding from an underway research vessel. These new technologies enable field observations of ocean mixing processes to extend much deeper and wider than ever before. The accumulated knowledge of the observed features has stimulated theoretical and modeling studies related to ocean mixing processes such as internal wave-wave interactions, internal wave interactions with background shear, and associated energy cascade down to dissipation scales as well as assessment and reformulation of existing turbulent mixing parameterizations to be incorporated into the global circulation and climate models. This session encompasses a wide variety of coastal and open ocean mixing processes; from the surface through the interior to the near boundary benthic mixing, including the roles of mixing in the biological processes and productivity of the ocean. Through detailed discussions, we would like to confirm how far our understanding of the ocean mixing processes has advanced over the last decade, defining the new frontier of ocean mixing research to be tackled in the next decade. | |
Presentation Format | Oral and Poster presentation | |
Joint Session with | AGU | |
Co-Sponsoring Societies (Society Members) | The Oceanographic Society of Japan |
Time | Presentation No | Title | Presenter | Abstract |
Oral Presentation May 21 AM1 | ||||
09:00 - 09:15 | AOS11-01 | Impact of deep ocean mixing on transient climate response | Michio Watanabe | Abstract |
09:15 - 09:30 | AOS11-02 | Observational and numerical studies of tidal mixing enhanced over abyssal rough bathymetry | Toshiyuki Hibiya | Abstract |
09:30 - 09:45 | AOS11-03 | Assessment of finescale parameterizations of deep ocean mixing in the presence of geostrophic current shear : Results of microstructure measurements in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current Region | Anne Takahashi | Abstract |
09:45 - 10:00 | AOS11-04 | Weak Thermocline Mixing in the North Pacific Low-Latitude Western Boundary Current System | Zhiyu Liu | Abstract |
10:00 - 10:15 | AOS11-05 | The 100 km wide 100-1000 fold enhancement in turbulent mixing caused by the Kuroshio induced mesoscale hydraulic jump in the lee of Tokara Strait | Takeyoshi Nagai | Abstract |
10:15 - 10:30 | AOS11-06 | Flow and turbulence at and downstream of a tall seamount within the Kuroshio | Eisuke Tsutsumi | Abstract |
Oral Presentation May 21 AM2 | ||||
10:45 - 11:00 | AOS11-07 | Enhanced nutrient and salinity flux by double diffusion along the Kuroshio from glider measurements | Keunjong Lee | Abstract |
11:00 - 11:15 | AOS11-08 | Contribution of the vertical mixing to the nutrient flux in the Luzon Strait | Takeshi Matsuno | Abstract |
11:15 - 11:30 | AOS11-09 | M2 Internal Tide Generation and Propagation Modulated by Kuroshio to the Northeast of Taiwan | Zhenhua Xu | Abstract |
11:30 - 11:45 | AOS11-10 | Multiple reflections and related mixing during internal tide generation and propagation | Qiang Li | Abstract |
11:45 - 12:00 | AOS11-11 | Effects of the Indonesian Throughflow on the generation and propagation of internal tides in Lombok Strait | Taira Nagai | Abstract |
12:00 - 12:15 | AOS11-12 | Internal Hydraulic Jump in the Tsugaru Strait | Takahiro Tanaka | Abstract |
Oral Presentation May 21 PM1 | ||||
13:45 - 14:00 | AOS11-13 | The Impact of Background Currents on Diurnal Critical Latitude Effects on Internal Tides and Mixing | Robin Ann Robertson | Abstract |
14:00 - 14:15 | AOS11-14 | Internal tide induced turbulence observed in the coastal region near Izu-Oshima Island | Koyo Wada | Abstract |
14:15 - 14:30 | AOS11-15 | High-resolution temperature sensors: a decade of internal wave turbulence observations | Hans van Haren | Abstract |
14:30 - 14:45 | AOS11-16 | Large-eddy simulation of tidal bottom boundary layer and behavior of suspended particulate matter on the Okinawa Trough, Japan | Naoki Furuichi | Abstract |
14:45 - 15:00 | AOS11-17 | Langmuir Turbulence Observed Under Wind Misaligned With Waves | Yutaka Yoshikawa | Abstract |
15:00 - 15:15 | AOS11-18 | The Mixing of Cold Water Upwelled in the Upper Ocean Turbulent Boundary Layer by an Artificial System | Alexander Soloviev | Abstract |
Presentation No | Title | Presenter | Abstract |
Poster Presentation May 21 Core Time | |||
AOS11-P01 | The Performance of Vertical Mixing Parameterizations in Replicating the Mixed Layer Depth and Surface Wind Mixing | Robin Ann Robertson | Abstract |
AOS11-P02 | Spatial distribution of turbulent mixing in the central Pacific inferred from Argo float data | Cheng Lingqiao | Abstract |
AOS11-P03 | Development and application of turbulence estimation using a fast-response thermistor attached to a CTD frame | Yasutaka Goto | Abstract |
AOS11-P04 | A global ocean state estimation using tidal mixing parameterizations | Satoshi Osafune | Abstract |
AOS11-P05 | Observed variations in mixing efficiency in the deep ocean | Takashi Ijichi | Abstract |
AOS11-P06 | Decay rates of internal tides estimated by an improved wave-wave interaction analysis | Yohei Onuki | Abstract |
AOS11-P07 | Generation of baroclinic tide energy in a global three-dimensional numerical model with different spatial grid resolutions | Yoshihiro Niwa | Abstract |
AOS11-P08 | Long-range Radiation and Dissipation of M2 Internal Tides in the Philippine Sea | Yang Wang | Abstract |
AOS11-P09 | Observation of Internal Waves in Luzon Strait by the repeated XBT surveys | Akie Sakai | Abstract |
AOS11-P10 | The evolution of mode-2 internal solitary waves modulated by background shear currents | Peiwen Zhang | Abstract |
AOS11-P11 | The impacts of tidal mixing in the Indonesian Archipelago on the transformation of the Indonesian Throughflow waters | Taira Nagai | Abstract |
AOS11-P12 | Seasonal variation of near-inertial internal wave energy and associated water masses modification in the Okinawa Trough | Hirohiko Nakamura | Abstract |
AOS11-P13 | Diurnal forcing induces variations in seasonal temperature and its rectification mechanism in the eastern shelf seas of China | Xinyu Guo | Abstract |
AOS11-P14 | Propagating and scattering processes of near-inertial internal waves calculated by high-resolution ocean model around Toyama Bay, Japan | Mizuki KUGA | Abstract |
AOS11-P15 | Frontal mixing processes of the Oyashio and Tsugaru Warm Current in the Northwestern Pacific transition area | Daisuke Hasegawa | Abstract |
AOS11-P16 | Laboratory experiments of heated wastewater discharge from the power plant using thermo-color dyes | Yoo-Jun KIM | Abstract |