Solid Earth Sciences(S)
Session Sub CategoryComplex & General
Session IDS-CG66
TitleShallow and intermediate depth intraslab earthquakes: seismogenesis and rheology of the slab
Short titleIntraslab earthquakes
Main ConvenerNameTomohiro Ohuchi
AffiliationGeodynamics Research Center, Ehime University
Co-Convener 1NameSaeko Kita
AffiliationDepartment of Earth and Planetary Systems Science, Hiroshima University
Co-Convener 2NameBrent G Delbridge
AffiliationBerkeley Seismological Lab
Co-Convener 3NameIkuo Katayama
AffiliationDepartment of Earth and Planetary Systems Science, Hiroshima University
ScopeThe rheological behavior of subducting slabs contributes to the generation and occurrence of intraslab earthquakes; however, we currently lack an understanding of the physical mechanisms linking these properties to the generation of intraslab earthquakes. The purpose of this session is to share constraints and advances in the understanding of the mechanisms that generate shallow and intermediate depth earthquakes, including both brittle and ductile flow rheologies. We seek to formulate future directions of the interdisciplinary study of the occurrence of intraslab earthquakes from the viewpoint of seismology, geodynamics and mineral physics. We welcome presentations from a wide variety of scientific disciplines, including observational and theoretical seismology, seismotectonics, geodynamics, mineral and rock physics, geology, and numerical modeling. Studies related to the thermal and tectonic structures of the subducting slab are also welcomed.
Type of presentationOral and Poster presentation
Invited authors Geoffrey Abers (Cornell Univ.)
Xinglin Lei (Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
Thomas Ferrand (Ecole Normale Superieure)
Gou Fujie (JAMSTEC)