Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary(M)
Session Sub CategoryOthers
Session IDM-ZZ41
TitleCommunicating Hazard and Risk - From Scientific Information to Community Involvement
Short titleHazard and Risk Communicatiion
Main ConvenerNameNaoshi Hirata
AffiliationEarthquake Research Institute, the University of Tokyo
Co-Convener 1NameDanijel Schorlemmer
AffiliationGFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Co-Convener 2NameReo Kimura
AffiliationUniversity of Hyogo
Co-Convener 3NameShoji Ohtomo
AffiliationKonan Women's University
ScopeHazard and risk modelers are targeting several vastly different stakeholders or public with their model results: the scientific community, governmental institutions, engineers and the larger technical community, and finally the public. Each of these groups has a different focus on the results and is drawing different kinds of conclusions from them. In this session we aim at addressing the problems surrounding hazard and risk communication in all fields of natural hazards. Important questions are: how can we communicate hazard and/or risk to the public?, how can we involve communities in risk assessment?, how can we raise acceptance of risk models in communities?, how can communities be involved in mitigation measures?, and how can we explain the inherit uncertainties of hazard and risk assessments? In this session we also want to go beyond the hazard and risk models and include also crisis communication during catastrophes and what lessons can be learned from it. How should we communicate ongoing crises?, how should we address unexpected changes in the development of catastrophic events?, how can we explain the inherit uncertainties of hazard and risk assessments? We solicit contributions from all fields of natural hazard research and social sciences. We aim to bring together a large variety of researchers to share their experiences from their respective fields.
Type of presentationOral and Poster presentation
Invited authors