Session outline
Human Geosciences(H) | ||
Session Sub Category | Complex & General | |
Session ID | H-CG29 | |
Title | Implementing Human Dimensions Research for the Earths Future / Global Land Project | |
Short title | Under consideration | |
Main Convener | Name | Yukio Himiyama |
Affiliation | Emeritus Professor, Hokkaido University of Education | |
Co-Convener 1 | Name | Koichi Kimoto |
Affiliation | Kwansei Gakuin University, Center for Common Educational Programs | |
Co-Convener 2 | Name | Takeshi Sakurai |
Affiliation | Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo | |
Co-Convener 3 | Name | norichika kanie |
Affiliation | Tokyo Institute of Technology | |
Co-Convener 4 | Name | Kenichi Abe |
Affiliation | Research Institute for Humanity and Nature | |
Co-Convener 5 | Name | Hideaki Shibata |
Affiliation | Field Science Center fot Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University | |
Co-Convener 6 | Name | Qinxue Wang |
Affiliation | National Institute for Environmental Studies | |
Language | EE | |
Scope | This session is a joint session of the researchers involved in Human Dimensions of Global Change (HD) and Global Land Programme (GLP). IHDP (International Human Dimensions Programme), which was established by ICSU (International Council for Science) and ISSC (International Social Science Council) in order to strengthen socio-economic and human aspects of global change research gave its way to Future Earth, a new comprehensive framework and integrative research platform for global sustainability studies, when it was started in January 2015, in order to continue and further develop its unfinished mission in a more interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary context. One can easily see why human dimensions research is essential for global change if he/she looks at SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) such as no poverty, good health and well-being, quality education, etc. Future Earth intends to make a major contribution to realization of SDGs, so that enhancement of human dimensions research is regarded as a key to the success of Future Earth. GLP (Global Land Programme) was a core project originally established by IGBP (International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme) and is one of the core projects of Future Earth now. It is basically a project on land use, land cover, ecosystems and their changes, and is linked with diverse research themes covered by Future Earth. It can therefore contribute to SDGs. GLP is in fact related with all of the seventeen goals listed in SDGs, particularly with 'zero hunger', 'sustainable cities and communities' and 'life on land'. This Session is intended to be a platform where those who are interested in global change research in general, and those interested in Future Earth, GLP and SDGs in particular present their research findings and views, exchange information and ideas, and seek possible collaboration. | |
Type of presentation | Oral and Poster presentation | |
Invited authors |