Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences(A)
Session Sub CategoryOcean Sciences & Ocean Environment
Session IDA-OS31
TitleLinkage between oceanography and paleoceanography in marginal, shelf and coastal oceans
Short titleoceanography and paleoceanography
Main ConvenerNameAtsuhiko Isobe
AffiliationKyushu University
Co-Convener 1NameMichinobu Kuwae
AffiliationCenter for Marine Environmental Studies
Co-Convener 2NameShinichiro Kida
AffiliationResearch Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University
ScopePossible linkages between oceanography and paleoceanography in marginal, shelf and coastal oceans will be discussed. Our attention is given to long-term (hundred to several ten thousands years) oceanic processes on regional and local scales. Studies on the long-term trends or fluctuations of physical properties (seawater temperature, salinity, sea level height, and ocean currents) and related geochemical and biological changes are welcomed.
Type of presentationOral and Poster presentation
Invited authors