Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences(A)
Session Sub CategoryOcean Sciences & Ocean Environment
Session IDA-OS19
TitleOcean climate modelling: present and future (Introduction of CMIP6/OMIP)
Short titleOcean modelling and introduction of OMIP
Main ConvenerNameHiroyuki Tsujino
AffiliationJapan Meteorological Agency, Meteorological Research Institute
Co-Convener 1NameYoshiki Komuro
AffiliationJapan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Scope International collaboration is being promoted in the ocean modelling community. Ocean Model Intercomparison Project (OMIP) has been proposed and endorsed by CMIP6. Development of a next generation forcing dataset for global ocean-sea ice modelling based on a Japanese reanalysis dataset JRA-55 is also underway by an international collaborative effort between Ocean Model Development Panel of CLIVAR and Japanese researchers. This session aims to introduce OMIP to a wider community and related activities and to provide an opportunity for discussing current status and future prospect of the ocean climate modelling. The focus will be on studies addressing the formation and variation of climate through numerical simulation of the oceans, as well as state-of-the-art technical advances on ocean climate modelling. Both OMIP-related activities and other studies are welcome.
Type of presentationOral and Poster presentation
Invited authors