Session outline

Solid Earth Sciences(S)
Session Sub Category Technology & Techniques (TT)
Session ID S-TT54
Title Airborne surveys and monitoring of the Earth
Short title Airborne surveys of the Earth
Convener Name Shigeo Okuma
Affiliation Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Co-convener 1. Name Toru Mogi
Affiliation Institute of Seismology and Volcanology, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University
Co-convener 2. Name Jiro Segawa
Affiliation Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
International Symposium No request
Language Japanese
Scope Airborne surveys are useful to better understand the whole and/or the detailed structures of the Earth and their variations. They can be implemented from a traditional manned and newly-developed unmanned aircraft to efficiently map very large or remote areas with difficult access. We invite studies on instrumentation, processing, modeling or inversion and applications of airborne surveys.
Type of presentation Oral and Poster presentation