Session outline

Solid Earth Sciences(S)
Session Sub Category Earth's Electromagnetism(EM)
Session ID S-EM37
Title Electrical conductivity, Tectono-electromagnetism
Short title Solid Earth Geoelectromagnetism
Convener Name Noriko Tada
Affiliation Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Co-convener Name Koki Aizawa
Affiliation Volcano Research Center, Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo
International Symposium No request
Language Japanese
Scope This session is for wide variety of studies on geo-electromagnetism of solid earth. The topics include electromagnetic phenomena associated with earthquakes and volcanism, geomagnetic/geoelectric structures, laboratory experiments, theoretical or numerical studies, and development of new observation equipments. Contributions that may be related to electromagnetic phenomena are also welcome.
Type of presentation Oral and Poster presentation