Session outline

Solid Earth Sciences(S)
Session Sub Category Complex & General (CG)
Session ID S-CG62
Title Structure and active tectonics of high strain rate zone
Short title High strain rate zone in Japan
Convener Name Shoji Sekiguchi
Affiliation National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention
Co-convener 1. Name Hiroshi Sato
Affiliation Earthquake Prediction Research Center, Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Co-convener 2. Name Tatsuya Ishiyama
Affiliation Department of Geoscience, Tohoku University
International Symposium No request
Language Japanese
Scope Main purpose of this session is comprehensive understanding of high strain rate zone in Japan: its origin, relationship between geological structures and seismogenic fault systems, construction of fault model, evaluation of seismic potentials, and other important problems are widely discussed. We welcome papers relevant to geophysical, geological structure, crustal deformation, active fault system based on field observation, modeling, simulation, and multidisciplinary approaches.
Type of presentation Oral and Poster presentation