Session outline

Space and Planetary Sciences(P)
Session Sub Category Planetary Sciences(PS)
Session ID P-PS02
Title Mars
Short title Mars
Convener Name Sho Sasaki
Affiliation RISE Project Office
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Co-convener 1. Name Masaki Ishiwatari
Affiliation Department of Cosmosciences, Graduate school of Science, Hokkaido University
Co-convener 2. Name Takehiko Satoh
Affiliation Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Co-convener 3. Name Naoki Terada
Affiliation Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
Co-convener 4. Name Yoshiyuki O. Takahashi
Affiliation Center for Planetary Science
Co-convener 5. Name Hideaki Miyamoto
Affiliation The University Museum, The University of Tokyo
Co-convener 6. Name Noriyuki Namiki
Affiliation Planetary Exploration Research Center
Chiba Institute of Technology
International Symposium 'International Symposium' in addition to Scientific session.
Language English
Scope The study on Mars has greatly been enhanced, owing to detailed data from modern missions as well as sophistication in theoretical works. Morphology and variable phenomena, seen on the surface, in the atmosphere and its surrounding plasma, all indicate that Mars is still an active planet. In this session, current researches on Mars as well as future mission plans are discussed.
Type of presentation Oral and Poster presentation