Session outline

Human Geosciences(H)
Session Sub Category Social Earth Sciences & Civil/Urban System Sciences(SC)
Session ID H-SC24
Title Human environment and disaster risk
Short title Human environment and disaster risk
Convener Name Tatsuto Aoki
Affiliation School of Regional Development Studies, Kanazawa University
Co-convener 1. Name Mamoru Koarai
Affiliation Geographic Information Analysis Research Division, Geography and Crustal Dynamics Research Center, Geographical Survey Institute
Co-convener 2. Name Toshihiko Sugai
Affiliation Department of Natural Environmental Studies, Institute of Environmental Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Science, The University of Tokyo
Co-convener 3. Name Hiroshi Une
Affiliation College of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Co-convener 4. Name Yoichi Nakamura
Affiliation Department of Earth Sciences, Utsunomiya University
Co-convener 5. Name Toshinari Nagasaka
Affiliation National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention
Co-convener 6. Name Jun Matsumoto
Affiliation Deaprtment of Geography, Tokyo Metropolitan University
International Symposium No request
Language Japanese
Scope ot only human environment varied by various human activities but disaster risk lurked in it are discussed from the geographical approach. Main issues are the relationships between disaster risks and human environment, the sustainability of human environment and environmental risk, geographical observations of the actual disasters, and the hazard map as a tool for disaster management.
Type of presentation Oral and Poster presentation