Session outline

Human Geosciences(H)
Session Sub Category Disaster geosciences(DS)
Session ID H-DS28
Title Seismic Hazard Maps in Japan
Short title Seismic Hazard Maps
Convener Name Mitsuyuki Hoshiba
Affiliation Meteorological Research Institute
Co-convener  1. Name Yuichi Sugiyama
Affiliation Active Fault and Earthquake Reseach Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Co-convener  2. Name Hiroaki Yamanaka
Affiliation Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering,Tokyo institute of Technology
Co-convener  3. Name Nobuyuki Morikawa
Affiliation National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention
International Symposium No request
Language Japanese
Scope Based on recent researches of prediction of strong ground motion, analysis of earth structure and field survey of active faults as well as the construction of seismic fault models, seismic hazard maps were recently published. We will discuss the obtained results and its future prospect of the seismic hazard maps from not only technical but also for utilization point of view.
Type of presentation Oral and Poster presentation