Session outline

Atmospheric, Ocean, and Environmental Sciences(A)
Session Sub Category Cryospheric Sciences & Cold District Environment(CC)
Session ID A-CC29
Title Past environmental changes by ice core studies
Short title Environmental studies by ice cores
Convener Name Kenji Kawamura
Affiliation National Institute of Polar Research, Research Organization of Information and Systems
Co-convener 1. Name Nozomu Takeuchi
Affiliation Chiba University
Co-convener 2. Name Minoru Ikehara
Affiliation Center for Advanced Marine Core Research, Kochi University
Co-convener 3. Name Takao Kameda
Affiliation Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Kitami Institute of Technology
International Symposium No request
Language Japanese
Scope Recent progress of ice core studies has advanced our ability of recognizing and understanding global to local environmental changes on timescales from years to several hundred thousand years. We discuss environmental changes in the past on the basis of ice core studies. Studies on deep-sea cores, tree-rings and numerical modeling on similar time and spacial scales are welcomed. Studies on recording processes of paleoenvironmental signals and methods to extract them are also welcomed.
Type of presentation Oral and Poster presentation