英文Opinions and recommendations from meeting participants to the future of the Japan Geoscience Union
タイトル短縮名和文Opinions and recommendations from meeting participants to the future of the Japan Geoscience Union
英文Opinions and recommendations to JpGU
代表コンビーナ 氏名和文浜野 洋三
英文Yozo Hamano
英文Japan Agency for Marine Earth Science and Technology
共同コンビーナ 1氏名和文田近 英一
英文Eiichi Tajika
英文Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
共同コンビーナ 2氏名和文和田 浩二
英文Koji Wada
英文Planetary Exploration Research Center, Chiba Institute of Technology
共同コンビーナ 3氏名和文隅田 育郎
英文Ikuro Sumita
所属和文金沢大学 理工研究域 地球社会基盤学系
英文Geosciences and Civil Engineering, Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University
英文The JpGU meeting 2019 will be the 30th since the start of the Joint Meeting of the Earth and Planetary Science societies, and 15th after the foundation of the Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU).Today, JpGU is becoming indispensable for the Earth and Planetary Science community due to the significant increase in the number of participants and the progress towards one of the International Organization of Geosciences. However, since the voluntary group that originally started aggregating the individual's intentions of the community, grew to a huge organization of about 10,000 members, it becomes rather difficult to reflect requests and opinions as individuals. In addition, by becoming a public interest corporation, it is rather difficult to operate as an academic organization under the constraints of the public interest corporation law. In aiming for further development of JpGU in the future, we would like to invite all the participants of the meeting to express their strict opinion and constructive proposal for the future of JpGU. The opinions of participants will be valuable materials for considering the direction of JpGU after 2020. We would like to invite many participants to present opinions and recommendations from various viewpoints, returning to the bottom-up spirit which is the basic philosophy of the science community.
口頭発表 5月30日 PM1
13:51 - 14:03U08-01日本学術会議地球惑星科学委員会からJpGUへの要望・提案藤井 良一予稿
14:03 - 14:15U08-02日本地球惑星科学連合における地理学の位置づけと将来展望小口 高予稿
14:15 - 14:27U08-03インターフェースとしての地球生命科学掛川 武予稿
14:27 - 14:39U08-04JpGUのカバーすべき領域高橋 幸弘予稿
14:39 - 14:51U08-05ちょっと英語やり過ぎ違いますか?林 祥介予稿
14:51 - 15:03U08-06日本地球惑星科学連合の国際化について小田 啓邦予稿
15:03 - 15:15U08-07日本地震学会のJpGUの運営に関するアンケート結果をふまえた提言山岡 耕春予稿
口頭発表 5月30日 PM2
15:30 - 15:42U08-08日本地球惑星科学連合の将来に向けた意見と提言:地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会から加藤 雄人予稿
15:42 - 15:54U08-09地球惑星科学と情報科学との連携 〜学際領域における共存共栄の試み〜出村 裕英予稿
15:54 - 16:06U08-10惑星科学分野の若手研究者からの意見鎌田 俊一予稿
16:06 - 16:18U08-11日本地球惑星科学連合は,個々の関連学協会の目線に立った運営を行い適切に説明責任を果たせ.小泉 尚嗣予稿
16:18 - 16:30U08-12地球惑星科学総合所属1代議員からの意見:国内向け活動・事業強化を熊谷 英憲予稿
16:30 - 16:42U08-13Japan Geoscience Letters (JGL) の15年とこれから橘 省吾予稿