固体地球科学(S) | |||
セッション小記号 | 固体地球科学複合領域・一般(CG) | ||
セッションID | S-CG51 | ||
タイトル | 和文 | Role of volatiles on Earth and planetary dynamics | |
英文 | Role of volatiles on Earth and planetary dynamics | ||
タイトル短縮名 | 和文 | Role of volatiles on Earth and planetary dynamics | |
英文 | Earth and planetary volatiles | ||
代表コンビーナ | 氏名 | 和文 | 石井 貴之 |
英文 | Takayuki Ishii | ||
所属 | 和文 | バイロイト大学バイエルン地球科学研究所 | |
英文 | Bavarian Research Institute, University of Bayreuth | ||
共同コンビーナ 1 | 氏名 | 和文 | 大谷 栄治 |
英文 | Eiji Ohtani | ||
所属 | 和文 | 東北大学大学院理学研究科地学専攻 | |
英文 | Department of Earth and Planetary Materials Science, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University | ||
共同コンビーナ 2 | 氏名 | 和文 | 中村 美千彦 |
英文 | Michihiko Nakamura | ||
所属 | 和文 | 東北大学大学院理学研究科地学専攻地球惑星物質科学講座 | |
英文 | Division of Earth and Planetary Materials Science, Department of Earth Science, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University | ||
共同コンビーナ 3 | 氏名 | 和文 | Mysen Bjorn |
英文 | Bjorn Mysen | ||
所属 | 和文 | Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Inst. Washington | |
英文 | Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Inst. Washington | ||
発表言語 | E | ||
スコープ | 和文 | This session addresses how volatile species affect dynamics of the Earth and planets from natural observations, laboratory experiments, and numerical modeling in the temperature, pressure, and oxygen activity range from the early stage of the planet formation to the present. The volatiles can be critical in zones of magma storage and ascent, mantle upwelling and melting in the fluid-enriched subduction zones, in the mantle transition zone, in the lower mantle, in the core-mantle boundary, and in Earth and planetary cores. However, volatiles affect properties and processes differently depending on their pressure, temperature, and redox conditions, which vary in time and space. This session aims to address how volatiles control the dynamic processes of the Earth and planets, governed by their geophysical and geochemical properties. We welcome papers dealing with geological and laboratory observations coupled with numerical modeling on the role of volatiles. The topics include (1) Stability relations, chemical and physical properties of crystalline, molten and fluid phases, partitioning of volatiles among these phases, (2) Rheological and other physical properties of minerals, and the effects of intergranular fluid on the properties, (3) Volatiles and dehydration induced seismicity and volcanism in various tectonic regions including subduction zones, and (4) Effects of volatiles in numerical simulation of geo-tectonics, and (5) Magma outgassing and its control of volcanic eruption dynamics. | |
英文 | This session addresses how volatile species affect dynamics of the Earth and planets from natural observations, laboratory experiments, and numerical modeling in the temperature, pressure, and oxygen activity range from the early stage of the planet formation to the present. The volatiles can be critical in zones of magma storage and ascent, mantle upwelling and melting in the fluid-enriched subduction zones, in the mantle transition zone, in the lower mantle, in the core-mantle boundary, and in Earth and planetary cores. However, volatiles affect properties and processes differently depending on their pressure, temperature, and redox conditions, which vary in time and space. This session aims to address how volatiles control the dynamic processes of the Earth and planets, governed by their geophysical and geochemical properties. We welcome papers dealing with geological and laboratory observations coupled with numerical modeling on the role of volatiles. The topics include (1) Stability relations, chemical and physical properties of crystalline, molten and fluid phases, partitioning of volatiles among these phases, (2) Rheological and other physical properties of minerals, and the effects of intergranular fluid on the properties, (3) Volatiles and dehydration induced seismicity and volcanism in various tectonic regions including subduction zones, and (4) Effects of volatiles in numerical simulation of geo-tectonics, and (5) Magma outgassing and its control of volcanic eruption dynamics. | ||
発表方法 | 口頭および(または)ポスターセッション | ||
ジョイントセッション | AGU | ||
招待講演 | Anja Allabar (University of Tuebingen) Daniel James Frost (University of Bayreuth) Rosie Ellen Jones (University of Oxford) Bernard Marty (CRPG Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques) |
時間 | 講演番号 | タイトル | 発表者 | 予稿原稿 |
口頭発表 5月30日 PM1 | ||||
13:45 - 14:00 | SCG51-01 | Constraining the degassing rate of the mantle since 3 Ga using the deficit of xenon-129 in the ancient atmosphere | Bernard Marty | 予稿 |
14:00 - 14:15 | SCG51-02 | Investigating volatile cycles in the terrestrial mantle by incorporating He and Ar isotopes into geodynamical models of mantle convection | Rosie Ellen Jones | 予稿 |
14:15 - 14:30 | SCG51-03 | Fluid circulation in the forearc mantle wedge inferred from the dihedral angle in an olivine-H2O-NaCl system | Yongsheng HUANG | 予稿 |
14:30 - 14:45 | SCG51-04 | The oxygen fugacity of serpentinites: implications for subduction zone redox evolution | Lisa Eberhard | 予稿 |
14:45 - 15:00 | SCG51-05 | Experimental study of the effect of composition on water solubility in natural silicate melts | 山下 茂 | 予稿 |
15:00 - 15:15 | SCG51-06 | Deep mantle volatile cycle and plate tectonics: Impact to the climate evolution | 中川 貴司 | 予稿 |
口頭発表 5月30日 PM2 | ||||
15:30 - 15:45 | SCG51-07 | The nature of water induced small degree melts in the deep mantle | Daniel James Frost | 予稿 |
15:45 - 16:00 | SCG51-08 | Phase separation of hydrous Vesuvius melt: vesicle nucleation or spinodal decomposition? | Anja Allabar | 予稿 |
16:00 - 16:15 | SCG51-09 | Role of water on dynamics in the lower mantle and core-mantle boundary regions | 大谷 栄治 | 予稿 |
16:15 - 16:30 | SCG51-10 | Stability of Fe-bearing hydrous phases and element partitioning in the system MgO-Al2O3-Fe2O3-SiO2-H2O in Earth’s lowermost mantle | Hongsheng Yuan | 予稿 |
16:30 - 16:45 | SCG51-11 | Laboratory Micro-Seismicity during Serpentinite Deformation as a Potential Analogue for Lower Wadati-Benioff Plane Seismicity | Julien Gasc | 予稿 |
16:45 - 17:00 | SCG51-12 | Water transport and mixing in the whole-mantle scale convection | 金子 岳郎 | 予稿 |
講演番号 | タイトル | 発表者 | 予稿原稿 |
ポスター発表 5月30日 AM2 | |||
SCG51-P01 | Permeability prediction of porous media with the finite difference Stokes solver LaMEM | Philipp Eichheimer | 予稿 |
SCG51-P02 | Grain growth-induced fluid localization and permeability reduction | 藤田 和果奈 | 予稿 |
SCG51-P03 | Pargasite stability in the upper mantle at H2O-undersaturated conditions | Marija Putak Juricek | 予稿 |
SCG51-P04 | Constraining the water content at the top of the mantle transition zone with the elasticity of wadsleyite and olivine | Zhongqing Wu | 予稿 |
SCG51-P05 | Single crystal elasticity of Fe-bearing phase E by Brillouin spectroscopy | Niccolo Satta | 予稿 |
SCG51-P06 | Discovery of two hexagonal phases in (Fe,Al)OOH under the P-T conditions of the deep lower mantle | Lu Liu | 予稿 |
SCG51-P07 | Effect of grid resolution on tectonic regimes in global-scale convection models | Enrico Marzotto | 予稿 |
SCG51-P08 | A 3-D crust and uppermost mantle electrical conductivity model of subduction zone beneath NE Japan | 市來 雅啓 | 予稿 |
SCG51-P09 | The conditions of sublithospheric diamond formation constrained from ferric iron-rich exsolution from ferropericlase inclusions. | Caterina Melai | 予稿 |
SCG51-P10 | Probing the variation of the oxygen fugacity in diamond anvil cells using the Fe-Ir alloy as redox sensor | Serena Dominijanni | 予稿 |
SCG51-P11 | Goethite behavior at Earth's lower mantle conditions | Egor Gennadievich Koemets | 予稿 |
SCG51-P12 | The oxygen content of sulphides in the mantle and a geothermometer for diamond formation | Sumith Abeykoon | 予稿 |