英文Future Missions and instrumentation for space and planetary science
タイトル短縮名和文Future Missions and instrumentation for space and planetary science
英文Future missions for space science
代表コンビーナ 氏名和文尾崎 光紀
英文Mitsunori Ozaki
英文Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University
共同コンビーナ 1氏名和文笠原 慧
英文Satoshi Kasahara
英文The university of Tokyo
共同コンビーナ 2氏名和文亀田 真吾
英文Shingo Kameda
英文School of Science, Rikkyo University
共同コンビーナ 3氏名和文吉岡 和夫
英文Kazuo Yoshioka
英文Graduate School of frontier Science, The University of Tokyo
英文Not only national space agencies but some universities and even companies in the world are now leading a number of space science and exploration missions and also energetically initiating new research activities for satellite and rocket developments and international collaborations in these days because the Earth observations from the space and the space explorations could be achieved much easier than a few decades ago. The deployment to the space, which itself is not purely a scientific purpose but one of methods for better sciences, is vigorously motivating the technical innovation and the educational development. For successful space missions, it is also crucial to research and develop aim-oriented on-board instruments, and the fundamental research and development of observational instrumentation with future perspectives could totally lead space missions in some case. Detailed investigation and evaluation on various on-board instruments are needed during their proposals, selections, and fabrications in order to promote the missions, and inevitably we have to make multi-sided arrangements and evolution at every process and aspect of any type of space missions, independently of their mission sizes. In this session, we focus on these comprehensive research activities in the space and astronomical missions, including the mission integrations and the individual instrumental developments, and we also call many presentations showing the uniqueness and renovation regarding the mission strategy and methodology, and the status and latest results in the related state-of-the-art researches and developments, which would provide all of researchers and developers with invaluable opportunities for active discussion, information sharing, and collaboration toward the realization of more missions for more fruitful space sciences and explorations in nearer future.
招待講演Yuichiro Ezoe (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Fouad Sahraoui (LPP CNRS Ecole Polytechnique)
大竹 真紀子 (宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究本部 固体惑星科学研究系)
新中 善晴 (京都産業大学)
成影 典之 (国立天文台)
和田 浩二 (千葉工業大学惑星探査研究センター)
口頭発表 5月26日 AM1
09:00 - 09:20PCG21-01Current status and instrument development plan for future lunar exploration missions大竹 真紀子予稿
09:20 - 09:35PCG21-02月・惑星探査用TOF質量分析器の開発福山 代智予稿
09:35 - 09:50PCG21-03In-situ太陽系探査を目指したOrbitrap質量分析器の開発川島 桜也予稿
09:50 - 10:05PCG21-04A high-voltage pulsed power supply for on-site mass spectrometry in future solar system explorations横田 勝一郎予稿
10:05 - 10:20PCG21-05深宇宙探査技術実証機DESTINY+に搭載するダストアナライザDDAの開発と期待されるサイエンス平井 隆之予稿
口頭発表 5月26日 AM2
10:45 - 11:05PCG21-06Satellite mission: PhoENiX (Physics of Energetic and Non-thermal plasmas in the X (= magnetic reconnection) region)成影 典之予稿
11:05 - 11:20PCG21-07Development of ion drift velocity analyzer for sounding rocket and low-altitude satellite阿部 琢美予稿
11:20 - 11:35PCG21-08SS-520-3 Sounding Rocket Experiment Targeting the Ion Outflow in the Polar Cusp / Aurora斎藤 義文予稿
11:35 - 11:50PCG21-09Development of the chip implemented as high-speed current detection circuits for particle sensors菊川 素如予稿
11:50 - 12:10PCG21-10GEO-X (GEOspace X-ray imager) : Imaging the dayside solar wind-terrestrial magnetosphere interactionYuichiro Ezoe予稿
口頭発表 5月26日 PM1
13:45 - 14:05PCG21-11Debye: a multi-spacecraft mission to solve the electron energization problem in the solar windFouad Sahraoui予稿
14:05 - 14:25PCG21-12Comet Interceptor mission to a dynamically new comet新中 善晴予稿
14:25 - 14:45PCG21-13The concept of AI3 and impactors和田 浩二予稿
14:45 - 15:00PCG21-14Observational Techniques for Energy Transport Verification in Space Plasmas and Waves Developed in the FACTORS Mission平原 聖文予稿
15:00 - 15:15PCG21-15Current status of Life Detection Microscope (LDM) for Mars surface exploration吉村 義隆予稿
ポスター発表 5月26日 PM2
PCG21-P01編隊飛行による地球電磁気圏・熱圏探査衛星計画「FACTORS」搭載可視・紫外イメージャーによる微細オーロラと大気光観測坂野井 健予稿
PCG21-P02機械学習を用いたフラッシュオーロラの時空間解析源田 斗輝予稿
PCG21-P03信号処理によるPc1地磁気脈動地上観測のパルス性雑音除去駒瀬 文弥予稿
PCG21-P04Application of magneto-impedance sensor to geomagnetic field measurements能勢 正仁予稿
PCG21-P05Observation of the Ionospheric Currents by the CubeSat at the Low and Middle Latitude北村 健太郎予稿
PCG21-P06Basic study on miniaturization of electric field instrument for plasma wave observations by ASIC technology徳永 祐也予稿
PCG21-P07超小型探査機に搭載する極端紫外撮像装置に用いる電気回路部の放射線耐性の評価勝瀬 陸予稿
PCG21-P08A method to quantitatively evaluate Non-evaporable-getter pump for use in space science mission西村 晟八予稿
PCG21-P093次元電位分布計算による「みお」搭載MIAのトップハット分析器特性の非対称性の解釈三宅 亙予稿
PCG21-P10小型衛星用衝撃試験機の建造及びMCPの機械耐性評価福場 惇哉予稿
PCG21-P11Innovative design of double-shell type energy analyzer for simultaneous electron and ion measurements in space武井 智美予稿
PCG21-P12Microsatellite Development and Education of Space Science and Technology at Kanazawa University井町 智彦予稿
PCG21-P13Attitude Control System for Kanazawa-SAT3 Microsatellite井町 智彦予稿
PCG21-P14Communications System and Antennas for Kanazawa-SAT3 Microsatellite井町 智彦予稿
PCG21-P156Uクラス超小型深宇宙探査機EQUULEUSに搭載する多層断熱材一体型ダスト計測器CLOTHの開発平井 隆之予稿
PCG21-P16DESTINY+搭載小惑星追尾機構の開発:概念設計およびBBMを用いた性能試験洪 鵬予稿
PCG21-P17火星衛星探査計画における望遠カメラ(TENGOO)性能評価装置の開発加藤 博基予稿
PCG21-P18ソーラー電力セイルOKEANOSのクルージングフェーズにおける観測計画岩田 隆浩予稿