英文Hydrology & Water Environment
タイトル短縮名和文Hydrology & Water Environment
英文Hydrology & Water Environment
代表コンビーナ 氏名和文町田 功
英文Isao Machida
英文Geological Survey of Japan
共同コンビーナ 1氏名和文山崎 大
英文Dai Yamazaki
英文Institute of Industrial Sciences, The University of Tokyo
共同コンビーナ 2氏名和文林 武司
英文Takeshi Hayashi
英文Faculty of Education and Human Studies, Akita University
共同コンビーナ 3氏名和文福士 圭介
英文Keisuke Fukushi
英文Institute of Nature & Environmental Technology, Kanazawa University
スコープ和文We focus on various issues of water cycle and environment and aim to answer questions of hydrological and earth system sciences including 1) surface, subsurface and evapotranspiration processes of water cycle; 2) natural and anthropogenic hydrothermal systems, 3) environments issues and studies on a watershed or global scale, 4) water-related issues with ecological, environmental, and geochemical aspects, and 5) other issues in hydrological sciences. This session welcomes presentations regarding various kinds of approaches and techniques such as field survey, remote sensing, isotope tracers, numerical simulation, and theoretical analysis.
英文We focus on various issues of water cycle and environment and aim to answer questions of hydrological and earth system sciences including 1) surface, subsurface and evapotranspiration processes of water cycle; 2) natural and anthropogenic hydrothermal systems, 3) environments issues and studies on a watershed or global scale, 4) water-related issues with ecological, environmental, and geochemical aspects, and 5) other issues in hydrological sciences. This session welcomes presentations regarding various kinds of approaches and techniques such as field survey, remote sensing, isotope tracers, numerical simulation, and theoretical analysis.
招待講演岩上 翔 (国立研究開発法人 森林研究・整備機構 森林総合研究所)
板井 啓明 (東京大学大学院理学系研究科 地球惑星科学専攻)
口頭発表 5月28日 PM1
13:45 - 14:00AHW23-01降雨流出過程に関する山地斜面での観測における斜面内圧(間隙空気圧)の測定方法の検討岩上 翔予稿
14:00 - 14:15AHW23-02A method to quantify the influence of total water storage change on climate elasticity of streamflowYin Tang予稿
14:15 - 14:30AHW23-03Trade-off analysis of discharge-desiltation-turbidity and sediment simulation of a combined reservoirriver systemHuang Chien-Lin予稿
14:30 - 14:45AHW23-04Gradient change of soil moisture effect on next-day precipitation identified via a Random Forest-Granger causality modelLu Li予稿
14:45 - 15:00AHW23-05Using data-driven methods to explore the predictability of surface soil moisture with FLUXNET site datajinjing Pan予稿
15:00 - 15:15AHW23-23Global Analyis of the Hydrological Sensitivity to Climate VariabilityMarisol Dominguez予稿
口頭発表 5月28日 PM2
15:30 - 15:45AHW23-06A review on the global soil property maps for Earth system modelWei Shangguan予稿
15:45 - 16:00AHW23-07Estimating near surface soil moisture at a high spatial resolution using an in-situ data based modelIndishe Prabath Senanayake予稿
16:00 - 16:15AHW23-08Representation of dams in global flood inundation simulations by coupling the global hydrological model H08 and the global hydrodynamic model CaMa-FloodJulien Eric Boulange予稿
16:15 - 16:30AHW23-09An investigation into a potential long subglacial river beneath the Greenland ice sheet using SICOPOLIS simulations.Christopher Chambers予稿
16:30 - 16:45AHW23-10Changes in Annual Rainfall patterns in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Congo river basinChetan Sharma予稿
16:45 - 17:00AHW23-11Seasonality in the extreme precipitation events linked to temperature over JapanSridhara Nayak予稿
口頭発表 5月29日 AM1
09:00 - 09:15AHW23-12Drought Analysis based on Copulas and Poisson ProcessPei-Yu Wu予稿
09:15 - 09:30AHW23-13Snow melt dynamics in snowfall dominated mountain regions in ShonaiAlexander Brandt予稿
09:30 - 09:45AHW23-14Study on transport of particulate organic matter in a small river with forest and paddy filed by using carbon isotopes (δ13C and Δ14C)長尾 誠也予稿
09:45 - 10:00AHW23-15Sources of Shallow Groundwater Salinity in the Ganges Delta of BangladeshMasudur Rahman予稿
10:00 - 10:15AHW23-16Groundwater chemistry in the Gunii Khooloi basin, Southern Gobi Region of Mongolia using multivariate analysisBatdemberel BAYANZUL予稿
10:15 - 10:30AHW23-17Temporal observation of molybdenum concentrations in rivers from Erdenet mining area, MongoliaSolongo Tsetsgee予稿
口頭発表 5月29日 AM2
10:45 - 11:05AHW23-18琵琶湖湖底近傍におけるマンガン・ヒ素の水-鉱物相互作用 —過去40年間での湖内分布の変化に対する考察ー板井 啓明予稿
11:05 - 11:20AHW23-19Sources, pathways and treatment of contaminants in surface water: Applicability in developing countriesNahar Mst. Shamsun予稿
11:20 - 11:35AHW23-20Numerical simulations (COMSOL) of γ-Fe2O3 nanohybrids for transport (3D) and arsenic removal in homogeneous porous mediaAjay Kumar予稿
11:35 - 11:50AHW23-21Transport processes of suspended solids in the Kumaki River inferred from atmospheric radionuclides落合 伸也予稿
11:50 - 12:05AHW23-22Using tritium in Japanese precipitation for tritium-tracer transit time studies across AsiaGusyev Maksym予稿
ポスター発表 5月29日 PM2
AHW23-P01A multiobjective risk management model for real-time reservoir flood control operationJuan Chen予稿
AHW23-P02Assessment of the Flow Regime of Roanoke River due to Climatic and Anthropogenic ActivitiesRahul Kumar Singh予稿
AHW23-P03Predictive Analysis of Climate, Water, Health and the Environment NexusAbhishek -予稿
AHW23-P05Severe droughts provide huge fuel for widespread wildfires in California in USALinghua Qiu予稿
AHW23-P06A comprehensive evaluation of MODIS-based water use efficiency with global eddy covariance flux data and a process modelShanshan YANG予稿
AHW23-P07Impact of variability and anisotropy in the correlation decay distance for precipitation spatial interpolation in Chinayingxian zhang予稿
AHW23-P08New Record-Breaking Frequency of Annual Maximum Daily Precipitation of 58 stations in the whole Japan, an increasing of extreme values.Chhay Ngorn SEANG予稿
AHW23-P09Quantifying stemflow to better express its ecohydrological significance飯田 真一予稿
AHW23-P10Hydraulic analysis of overland flow caused by temporally varying rainfallPING-CHENG HSIEH予稿
AHW23-P11A comparative Study on Water Environment of Isolated Islands - Focusing on Islands in Nagasaki Prefecture - (3)矢巻 剛予稿
AHW23-P12草津白根山周辺水環境と2018年1月噴火による影響の考察猪狩 彬寛予稿
AHW23-P13熊本市江津湖における湧水量の再考察一柳 錦平予稿
AHW23-P14Evaluating the efficacy of hydrologically and hydrodynamically driven methods of e-flow assessment for Upper Godavari River Basin, IndiaGAURAV KALIDAS PAKHALE予稿
AHW23-P15Presence of pharmaceutical compounds in freshwater lakes and their impact on phytoplanktonNandakumar Kanavillil予稿
AHW23-P16Novel approximate solutions for solute transport due to injections: considering the scale-dependent dispersion and non-integer flow dimensionYe-Chen Lin予稿
AHW23-P17Experimemtal study on the residual saturation of Porous Media using Pore Doublets Micromodel彭 俊維予稿
AHW23-P18Assessment of Synergy between Biomedical Waste and Shallow Groundwater PollutionDeepika -予稿
AHW23-P19Erosion and transport processes of earth surface materials in a reservoir-catchment system inferred from atmospheric radionuclides 7Be and 210Pb鶴岡 幹矢予稿
AHW23-P20Fluctuation of groundwater level in a sloping unconfined aquifer due to time varying rechargeMing-Chang Wu予稿
AHW23-P21Effect of cutoff wall on recharge water storage volumePei-hsun Tsai予稿
AHW23-P22Studying Operation Parameters on Flat-Plate Membrane Bioreactor for Sewage TreatmentJen Hung Chiu予稿
AHW23-P23Mine-water quality at a tertiary coalfield in India: Characterisation and treatment using novel polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) gel bioreactorAparna Dutta予稿