関連する分野S, A, H
タイトル和文Cryoseismology - a new proxy for detecting surface environmental variations of the Earth -
英文Cryoseismology - a new proxy for detecting surface environmental variations of the Earth -
代表コンビーナ氏名和文豊国 源知
英文Genti Toyokuni
所属和文東北大学 大学院理学研究科 地震・噴火予知研究観測センター
英文Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
共同コンビーナ 1氏名和文金尾 政紀
英文Masaki Kanao
英文National Institute of Polar Research
共同コンビーナ 2氏名和文坪井 誠司
英文Seiji Tsuboi
英文JAMSTEC, Center for Earth Information Science and Technology
スコープ和文 最近の地球温暖化により、特にグリーンランド氷床では氷体積の減少速度が顕著に加速してい
英文Several kinds of environmental signals associated with ocean - cryosphere - solid earth
systems have recently been detected in bi-polar regions. Ice-related seismic motions for
small magnitude events are generally named ice-quakes (ice-shocks) and can be generated by glacially related dynamics. Such kinds of cryoseismic sources are classified
into the movements of ice sheets, sea-ice, oceanic tide-cracks, icebergs and the calving
fronts of ice caps. Cryoseismic waves are likely to be influenced by variations in
environmental conditions, and the continuous study of their time-space variability
provides indirect evidence of climate change. As glacial earthquakes are the most
prominent phenomena found recently in polar regions, in particular on the Greenland in this 21st century, the new innovative studies from seismology are expected by long-
term monitoring under extreme conditions in the Earth's environment.

Taking these issues into account, the conveners are willing to invite many contributions
to a special session on "Cryoseismology", which will cover the recent achievements on
glacial related seismic events and associated phenomenon observed in polar regions. It
is particularly encouraged to have contributions based on seismic signals involving the
dynamics of ice sheets, sea-ice, icebergs and glaciers. Although the glacial earthquakes
are the most prominent evidence found recently in polar regions, all related topics
involving polar seismology are welcome, such as studies of crust and mantle structure in
the area, comparison of tectonic and glacier-related seismicity, recent triggered
earthquakes and active volcanoes, glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA), harmonic tremor
associated with cryoseismic events, etc.
  • 金尾 政紀 (国立極地研究所)
時間 講演番号 タイトル 発表者 予稿原稿
口頭発表 5月24日 AM2
10:50 - 11:05 U03-01Changes in surface-wave phase velocities below the Greenland Ice Sheet measured from three-component ambient noise correlation method豊国 源知予稿
11:05 - 11:20 U03-02Seasonal and inter-annual dynamics of Siachen Glacier (Eastern Karakorum) observed by L-Band data, using feature tracking and backscatter intensityMuhammad Usman予稿
11:20 - 11:35 U03-03Ambient seismic noise at a Himalayan debris-covered glacierEvgeny A. Podolskiy予稿
11:35 - 11:50 U03-04Detection of infrasound wave on icebreaker SHIRASE during JARE-54 and -55柿並 義宏予稿
11:50 - 12:05 U03-05Temporal–spatial variations in infrasound sources related to cryosphere dynamics in Lützow–Holm Bay Region, Antarctica金尾 政紀予稿
講演番号 タイトル 発表者 予稿原稿
ポスター発表 5月24日 コア
U03-P01 Characteristic atmosphere and ocean interaction in the coastal and marine environment inferred from infrasound at Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica - observation and initial data - 村山 貴彦 予稿
U03-P02 Seismic tremors and their relation to cryosphere dynamics in April 2015 around the Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica 金尾 政紀 予稿
U03-P03 Characteristics of ice tremors around Syowa Station, Antarctica, during 2013–2015 平松 良浩 予稿
U03-P04 Seismic observations in Greenland by a joint USA and Japanese GLISN team (2011-2017) 豊国 源知 予稿