タイトル和文Remote Sensing of Snow
英文Remote Sensing of Snow
タイトル短縮名和文Remote Sensing of Snow
英文Remote Sensing of Snow
代表コンビーナ氏名和文Sheldon Dean Drobot
英文Sheldon Dean Drobot
所属和文Harris Corporation
英文Harris Corporation
英文Due to its high albedo and low thermal conductivity, snow cover plays a central role in the mass and energy exchange across land-atmosphere and ocean-ice-atmosphere interfaces. Improvements in remote sensing technologies are now enabling a variety of new and improved observation capabilities for snow, including formation in the atmosphere, snowfall rates, and snow water equivalent (SWE) measurements. In this session, we seek abstracts related to remote sensing of snow in all its forms. This includes use of existing sensors for snow measurements and concepts for new sensors. Applications for snow in the atmosphere, on land, and on ice are welcome.
講演番号 タイトル 発表者 予稿原稿
ポスター発表 5月23日 コア
ACC27-P01 Enhancing Disaster Risk Reduction Capabilities with Multifrequency, Multi-polarization, Very high-Resolution SAR Information Sheldon Dean Drobot 予稿
ACC27-P02 Spatiotemporal variability of snow cover and snow water equivalent over Eurasia Yinsheng Zhang 予稿
ACC27-P03 GCOM-C/SGLIによる雪氷観測の初期成果 堀 雅裕 予稿