セッション小記号 ジョイント(IS)
セッションID M-IS01
タイトル 和文 Land-ocean linkages in East Asian marginal seas
英文 Land-ocean linkages in East Asian marginal seas
タイトル短縮名 和文 Land-ocean linkages
英文 Land-ocean linkages
代表コンビーナ 氏名 和文 多田 隆治
英文 Ryuji Tada
所属 和文 東京大学大学院理学系研究科地球惑星科学専攻
英文 Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, The Univeristy of Tokyo
メールアドレス ryuji@eps.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
共同コンビーナ 氏名 和文 Murray, Richard W
英文 Murray, Richard W
所属 和文 Boston University
英文 Boston University
メールアドレス rickm@bu.edu
国際セッション開催希望 国際セッションとしての開催を希望する
発表主要言語 英語
スコープ 和文 Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 346 "Asian Monsoon" aimed to explore the timing of the onset as well as the evolution of the Asian Monsoon and its impact on paleoceanography in East Asian marginal seas through scientific drilling in the Japan Sea and the northern East China Sea. The expedition was conducted in the summer of 2013 and successfully retrieved continuous sedimentary records as old as 15 Ma.? These long and continuous sedimentary records will be soon open to the geoscience community and will provide a unique opportunity to study paleoceanography and paleoclimatology in East Asian marginal seas and the interactions between the Asian continent and East Asian marginal seas.? Before starting intensive studies using these valuable materials, it will be worthwhile to summarize the existing knowledge on paleoclimate in East Asia, the stratigraphy and paleoceanography of the East Asian marginal seas, and? the interactions between them.? This international session (and a special volume for a new JpGU online journal) aims to review and synthesize such existing knowledge and provide guidance to future directions of research in these fields.
英文 Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 346 "Asian Monsoon" aimed to explore the timing of the onset as well as the evolution of the Asian Monsoon and its impact on paleoceanography in East Asian marginal seas through scientific drilling in the Japan Sea and the northern East China Sea. The expedition was conducted in the summer of 2013 and successfully retrieved continuous sedimentary records as old as 15 Ma.? These long and continuous sedimentary records will be soon open to the geoscience community and will provide a unique opportunity to study paleoceanography and paleoclimatology in East Asian marginal seas and the interactions between the Asian continent and East Asian marginal seas.? Before starting intensive studies using these valuable materials, it will be worthwhile to summarize the existing knowledge on paleoclimate in East Asia, the stratigraphy and paleoceanography of the East Asian marginal seas, and? the interactions between them.? This international session (and a special volume for a new JpGU online journal) aims to review and synthesize such existing knowledge and provide guidance to future directions of research in these fields.
発表方法希望 口頭および(または)ポスターセッション
招待講演 Richard W. Murray (Boston University)
Gerald Dickens (Rice University)
Stephan Gallager (University of Melbourne)
Hongbo Zheng (Nanjing Normal University)
Kyun Eun Lee (Korea Maritime University)