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著者 | 演題番号 | タイトル | 予稿集本文 |
K. M. Peng | PCG008-11 | The space particle instrument calibration facility at PSSC/NCKU and development of a neutral particle analyzer | 日本語 English |
K. Mochimoto | MIS026-01 | A study of the morphology of winter sprites in the Hokuriku area of Japan in relation to cloud charge height | 日本語 English |
K. Myokei | * MIS026-01 | A study of the morphology of winter sprites in the Hokuriku area of Japan in relation to cloud charge height | 日本語 English |
K. Oyama | PCG008-11 | The space particle instrument calibration facility at PSSC/NCKU and development of a neutral particle analyzer | 日本語 English |
K. Palanisami | HSC003-02 | インド・タミルナドゥ州インド洋津波災害に対する農村世帯のレジリアンス | 日本語 English |
K. Sudo | MIS003-P02 | Evaluation of West Siberian wetland CH4 emission in inverse modeling | 日本語 English |
K.-F. Huang | BBG020-P01 | サンゴのホウ素同位体組成から復元される北西太平洋熱帯表層のpH変動 | 日本語 English |
Kabir Md Fazle | * SMP046-10 | High-Mg cores of the garnets in the Sambagawa pelitic schists from the Besshi district, central Shikoku, Japan | 日本語 English |
Kadyrbek Sakiev | SCG008-07 | Petrology of eclogites from the Orobashy area, Aktyuz region, northern Kyrgyz Tien-Shan | 日本語 English |
Kaj Hoernle | SVC007-07 | Early stage of Shatsky Rise formation: Isotope-geochemical characterization (Sr, Nd, Pb and Hf) of Site U1347A | 日本語 English |
Kaj M. Johnson | MGI032-P03 | 地殻変動データの線形・非線形混合インバージョン: モデルパラメータとハイパーパラメータのベイズ推定 | 日本語 English |
Karine Sellegri | MIS029-05 | 富士山頂における大気イオンの粒径分布測定 | 日本語 English |
Karl Fabian | ★ SEM001-03 | Crustal Magnetism and Effects of Exsolution Lamellae on Magnetic Properties: Importance of Remanent Magnetic Anomalies | 日本語 English |
★* SEM001-04 | Mean-field and micromagnetic models for nanoscale magnetism based on ilmenite-hematite solid solutions | 日本語 English |
Karma Toeb | ★* HDS025-06 | トルトミ氷河湖水位低下プロジェクトの概要 | 日本語 English |
Kate Huihsuan Chen | * SSS027-05 | 1999年台湾集集地震に伴う地震波伝播の変化:I 繰り返し地震の波形変化 | 日本語 English |
SSS027-06 | 1999年台湾集集地震に伴う地震波伝播の変化: II. 繰り返し地震のFDMシミュレーション | 日本語 English |
Katerina Petronotis | MIS022-09 | IODP第327次航海:ファン・デ・フーカ海嶺東翼部の玄武岩質海洋地殻の水理地質学的構造 | 日本語 English |
Kathryn Kumamoto | ★ MIS002-08 | COH Solubility, solution behavior and 13/12C fractionation melt-fluid systems at mantle redox, P, and T conditions | 日本語 English |
Kathy Law | AAS020-P06 | Emission location dependent ozone depletion potentials for very short-lived halogenated species | 日本語 English |
Katsuhiko Suzuki | SVC007-04 | What triggered the Early Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a? The Platinum Group Element perspective | 日本語 English |
Katsumi Ueno | ★ SCG008-15 | Permian sequences and faunas in the peri-Gondwanan region and their palaeogeographical and tectonic implications | 日本語 English |
Katsuyuki Kawamura | HDS027-15 | Numerical Analysis for Permeability of Clay on Natural Terrane | 日本語 English |
KAUTI, Matheaus Kioko | HRE032-P03 | ケニア中央部における小農の森林資源利用と生計戦略 | 日本語 English |
Kay Thwe Hlaing | HGG001-P02 | ミャンマー・イラワジデルタにおける地表面環境と浅層地下水 | 日本語 English |
Kaz A. Chikita | ACG035-P05 | The nutrient load from a drainage basin of different land cover | 日本語 English |
Kaz Higuchi | AAS021-P04 | 成田上空CO2濃度の短周期変動に対する領域スケールの地表面フラックスの影響 | 日本語 English |
Kazuhiko Takeuchi | HGG001-P01 | Indigenous Ecological Knowledge and conservation in traditional agricultural landscape of Satoyama in Japan and Hani Ter | 日本語 English |
Kazuhito Hikima | SSS023-P25 | Period-Dependent Site Amplification and Source Process for the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku, Japan, Earthquake Sequence | 日本語 English |
Kazuki Koketsu | SSS023-P25 | Period-Dependent Site Amplification and Source Process for the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku, Japan, Earthquake Sequence | 日本語 English |
Kazuo Nadaoka | ★ HTT005-05 | Hydrologic Response to Land use Change and its Impact on Coastal Ecosystem of Fiji | 日本語 English |
Kazuyo Hirose | ★ HGG001-13 | Analysis of 5 years land cover transition for a study area in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia | 日本語 English |
Ke Wang | * APE031-P03 | Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic record of core MD06-3040 from East China Sea Shelf | 日本語 English |
Kefei Zhang | ★* AAS001-01 | Atmospheric Remote Sensing for Meteorology in Southern Hemisphere and Antarctica -Recent Australian Initiatives | 日本語 English |
Keiko Takahashi | ACG004-04 | Simulation of Indian Ocean Dipole and its Impacts with a High-resolution Regional Coupled Model | 日本語 English |
Ken Heydolph | * SVC007-07 | Early stage of Shatsky Rise formation: Isotope-geochemical characterization (Sr, Nd, Pb and Hf) of Site U1347A | 日本語 English |
Ken Kawamoto | AGE003-05 | Gas Transport Parameters for Landfill Cover Soil: Dry bulk density based models for gas diffusivity and air permeability | 日本語 English |
Ken Xiansheng Hao | MTT034-07 | i地震クラウドシステム | 日本語 English |
Ken-ichiro Hisada | SSS032-P28 | Re-evaluation of the Thoen fault activity in the Lampang basin, northern Thailand | 日本語 English |
Kenta Tanaka | HGM002-07 | Analysis of hydrological deep-seated landslides triggering mechanisms in Mt. Wanitsuka, Kyushu Island. | 日本語 English |
Kevin Hamilton | AAS020-03 | 地球温暖化時の赤道準2年振動 | 日本語 English |
Kevin McKeegan | ★ PPS004-04 | Oxygen isotopic distributions in the solar nebula: insights via sample return missions | 日本語 English |
Kevin Zahnle | PPS020-P11 | ハビタブルゾーン内側境界における水の散逸による海惑星から陸惑星への進化 | 日本語 English |
Khamis Mansour | ★* SCG010-02 | Characterizing subsurface fractures based on forward molding of EM scattering from synthesized fractal fractures | 日本語 English |
Khan-Hyuk Kim | ★ PEM005-30 | Propagation and evolution of nonlinear MHD disturbances in space | 日本語 English |
* PEM005-35 | Morning-afternoon asymmetry of geosynchronous magnetic field | 日本語 English |
Kharka Singh Ghallay | ★* HDS004-02 | ブータンヒマラヤの氷河湖決壊とその危険性 | 日本語 English |
★* HDS025-07 | 現地踏査に基づくブータンヒマラヤの氷河湖の決壊危険度評価 | 日本語 English |
Khori Sugianti | HDS027-P06 | 小型水槽を用いた地下水動態と自然電位変動の関連に関する研究 | 日本語 English |
Khwanruthai Bunruamkaew | * HTT005-06 | Site Suitability Evaluation for Ecotourism using GIS & AHP: A Case Study of Surat Thani Province, Thailand | 日本語 English |
Kicengge(承志) | HQR023-21 | 歴史地図を用いた中央アジアの過去1000年間の湖面変動(Aral, Issyk-Kul, Balkhash) | 日本語 English |
Ki-Cheol Shin | ★ SCG060-14 | 長崎県対馬の浅所貫入花崗岩体の熱水流体の組成 | 日本語 English |
Kihong Kim | ★ PEM005-30 | Propagation and evolution of nonlinear MHD disturbances in space | 日本語 English |
KIM Doo-Chul(金 どぅ哲) | HRE032-06 | ベトナム北部の山間少数民族による棚田開発:予備的調査結果 | 日本語 English |
Kimitaka Kawamura | AAS021-10 | Significant contribution of isoprene oxidation products in summertime organic aerosols at the summit of Mt. Fuji, Japan | 日本語 English |
Klaus Bataille | SCG059-P04 | 長期観測型海底地震計を用いたチリ三重会合点付近における地震活動 | 日本語 English |
Klaus Hebig | AGE003-02 | 沿岸域の深度100mにおける地下水流動・物質輸送特性評価のための単孔式プッシュプルテスト | 日本語 English |
Kohichiro Oyama | ★ PCG008-07 | Development of space plasma instruments onboard Taiwan sounding rocket | 日本語 English |
Kohn B.P. | SIT038-P01 | 低温領域の熱年代学を用いた木曽山脈の傾動隆起の定量的解明 | 日本語 English |
Kohri Sugianti | HDS027-P05 | インドネシア・Pelabuhan Ratuの斜面崩壊地帯における自然電位観測 | 日本語 English |
Koji Nishimura | PEM032-23 | The 2009-2010 monthly MU radar observation programme for meteor head echoes | 日本語 English |
PEM032-P30 | Monthly MU radar head echo observation programme for sporadic and shower meteors: 2009 June to 2010 December | 日本語 English |
PPS022-14 | First results from the 2009-2010 MU radar head echo observation programme for sporadic and shower meteors: the Orionids | 日本語 English |
Koko Lwin | * HTT005-P03 | Evaluation of pan-sharpened image for human settlements mapping: A Case of South East Asia Cities | 日本語 English |
Konstantin Litasov | MIS002-06 | Role of alkali carbonates in the mantle magmatism, metasomatism, and diamond formation | 日本語 English |
* MIS002-P01 | Melting phase relations in the peridotite and eclogite systems coexisting with reduced C-O-H fluid at 3-16 GPa | 日本語 English |
SIT004-06 | Diffusion of silicates in alkali carbonate malt and water fluid, experimental study at 17-24 GPa and 1400-1750oC | 日本語 English |
Kornyanat Watthanasangmechai | PEM032-P20 | 東南アジア域GPS受信機網を用いた移動性電離圏擾乱の観測 | 日本語 English |
Koyuru Iwanami | U022-P03 | Correction of Radar Reflectivity and Differential Reflectivity for Rain Attenuation at X-band | 日本語 English |
Krivonogov.S | HGM002-03 | Limno-geomorphological changes during Late Pleistocene and | 日本語 English |
Kunihiko Yoshino | HGG001-P04 | Characterizing temporal vegetation dynamics of land use: Case of agricultural lands in Java Island, Indonesia | 日本語 English |
HSC003-08 | Land-use change detection using characterizing temporal vegetation dynamics in Java Island, Indonesia | 日本語 English |
Kunio M. Sayanagi | * PPS001-11 | Polar Atmospheric Dynamics of Giant Planets | 日本語 English |
Kuo-Fong Ma | SSS035-36 | Faulting process and its heterogeneity on Chelungpu fault during ChiChi earthquake revealed by TCDP Hole C cores | 日本語 English |
Kurniawan Idham Andri | SVC070-P18 | 霧島火山,新燃岳2011年噴火のテフラ粒度分布と噴煙柱モデル | 日本語 English |
Kyoung Wook Min | ★* PCG008-02 | STSAT-1 observations of the polar region | 日本語 English |
Kyoungmi Lee | * MIS024-P05 | Plant phenological change in Korea and its relation to air temperature and circulation | 日本語 English |
Kyung-Chan Kim | ★* PEM007-08 | Numerical Estimates of Outer Radiation Belt Electron Flux Dropouts during Geomagnetic Storms | 日本語 English |
Kyungguk Min | PEM007-P03 | Dayside chorus waves under quiet solar wind conditions: PENGUIn/AGO and THEMIS conjugate observations | 日本語 English |
Kyung-Im Kim | ★ PEM005-30 | Propagation and evolution of nonlinear MHD disturbances in space | 日本語 English |