緊急特別セッション (Union(U))
タイトルEnvironmental drivers and impacts of the evolving COVID-19 pandemic
タイトル短縮名The Environment and COVID-19
代表コンビーナ 氏名Benjamin F. Zaitchik
所属Johns Hopkins University
英文Teppei J. Yasunari
英文ARC, Hokkaido University
スコープ The current COVID-19 pandemic interacts with many aspects of earth system science. These include opportunities to inform prediction and mitigation of the disease’s spread and impacts as well as efforts to study the impacts that this global disruption has on natural and human systems. This late-breaking session highlights COVID-19 related links between society, the environment, and health, as well as the multiple effects of ongoing changes in human behavior on the earth's environment and climate or observations that are now possible. Invited speakers will address issues of: (1) hydrometeorological and seasonal sensitivity of COVID-19; (2) air quality changes on COVID-19 and health impacts; (3) the influence of COVID-19 restrictions on the environment and climate; and (4) links to environmental change and zoonotic dynamics. Contributed abstracts for a complementary iPoster session are also welcome, addressing all aspects of environmental influence on and impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.