タイトル和文An asteroid impact in SE Asia at 0.8 Ma and its effect on the environment and biota
英文An asteroid impact in SE Asia at 0.8 Ma and its effect on the environment and biota
タイトル短縮名和文An asteroid impact in SE Asia at 0.8 Ma
英文An asteroid impact in SE Asia at 0.8 Ma
代表コンビーナ氏名和文多田 隆治
英文Ryuji Tada
英文Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, The Univeristy of Tokyo
共同コンビーナ 1氏名和文Paul A Carling
英文Paul A Carling
所属和文University of Southampton
英文University of Southampton
共同コンビーナ 2氏名和文Wickanet Songtham
英文Wickanet Songtham
所属和文Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University, Thailand
英文Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University, Thailand
共同コンビーナ 3氏名和文Kerry Sieh
英文Kerry Sieh
所属和文Nanyang Technological University
英文Nanyang Technological University
スコープ和文The impact of a small celestial body in Indochina Peninsula at 0.79 Ma, known as Australasia Tektite event (AATE), has been known for more than half a century due to the wide-spread distribution of tektite. Yet, the source crater of the tektite is not yet found inspite of the probable large size (>30 km in diameter) of crater, its relatively young age, and intensive search by many researchers. However, the situation is changing rapidly during the last several years and the area for the location of the crater is gradually narrowed down. Also, the evidence of environmental perturbation and possible relation with local extinction and migration of hominid and animals has been suggested recently.
In addition, because its timing is close to the Matsuyama/Brunhes paleomagnetic reversal event and in the middle of glacial lowstand during MIS 20, precise age of AATE and its relation with glacio-eustatic sea level changes should have a significant implication to Quaternary chronostratigraphy.
For these reasons, we propose a special interdisciplinary session on the location, mode, magnitude, and exact timing of the AATE impact and its possible effect on the environment and biota
The topic should be of major interest to geologists, sedimentologists, planetary scientists, paleontologists, paleoclimatologists, anthropologists, and so on, especially to those working in SE Asia. Thus adequate topic for JpGU-AGU joint meeting.
英文The impact of a small celestial body in Indochina Peninsula at 0.79 Ma, known as Australasia Tektite event (AATE), has been known for more than half a century due to the wide-spread distribution of tektite. Yet, the source crater of the tektite is not yet found inspite of the probable large size (>30 km in diameter) of crater, its relatively young age, and intensive search by many researchers. However, the situation is changing rapidly during the last several years and the area for the location of the crater is gradually narrowed down. Also, the evidence of environmental perturbation and possible relation with local extinction and migration of hominid and animals has been suggested recently.
In addition, because its timing is close to the Matsuyama/Brunhes paleomagnetic reversal event and in the middle of glacial lowstand during MIS 20, precise age of AATE and its relation with glacio-eustatic sea level changes should have a significant implication to Quaternary chronostratigraphy.
For these reasons, we propose a special interdisciplinary session on the location, mode, magnitude, and exact timing of the AATE impact and its possible effect on the environment and biota
The topic should be of major interest to geologists, sedimentologists, planetary scientists, paleontologists, paleoclimatologists, anthropologists, and so on, especially to those working in SE Asia. Thus adequate topic for JpGU-AGU joint meeting.