英文Development and application of environmental traceability methods
英文Environmental Traceability
代表コンビーナ氏名和文陀安 一郎
英文Ichiro Tayasu
英文Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
共同コンビーナ 1氏名和文SHIN Ki-Cheol
英文Ki-Cheol Shin
英文Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
共同コンビーナ 2氏名和文山下 勝行
英文Katsuyuki Yamashita
英文Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University
スコープ和文 現代社会は、自然界に存在するほとんどの元素を利用している。それをもたらす資源の持続的利用と環境に調和した社会の実現が叫ばれて久しいが、環境全体の質的改変に伴う人間圏の生存リスクは複合的に拡大している。そこで、自然環境の各要素や人間のつながりを診断・追跡する手法とその社会での広範な適用が必要になってきた。
英文 Modern society uses almost all the elements present in the natural world. Although there have long been calls for the sustainable use of the resources that provide these elements and the building of human societies that are in harmony with the environment, the survival of the human race is increasingly at risk as a result of qualitative changes to the environment as a whole. Implementation by the society of methodologies for diagnosing and tracking these various elements of the natural environment and their relationships with humans are now required.
Elements cycle within and among the Earth system spheres, human society and the human body. Information on the concentrations and stable isotopes of elements is powerful tool for tracing this cycling and has been applied in studies of atmosphere-hydrosphere circulation, ecological systems, and the life, health and history of humans. We propose a session to discuss development and applications of environmental traceability methods toward the goal of establishing traceability in natural and human systems.
We encourage the presentation of research integrating isotopic information in various disciplines, such as geochemistry, hydrology, ecology, geology, mineralogy, anthropology, food science, and forensics.