Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary (M)
Session Sub-categoryIntersection (IS)
Session IDM-IS07
Session Title Astrobiology
Short Title Astrobiology
Date & Time Oral
AM1-AM2 Mon, 27 MAY
PM3 Mon, 27 MAY
Main Convener Name Kosuke Fujishima
Affiliation Tokyo Institute of Technology, Earth-Life Science Institute
Co-Convener 1 Name Yohey Suzuki
Affiliation Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Co-Convener 2 Name Yuka Fujii
Affiliation National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Co-Convener 3 Name Kosuke Kurosawa
Affiliation Planetary Exploration Research Center, Chiba Institute of Technology
Session Language E
Scope (Session Description) Astrobiology is an interdisciplinary scientific field studying the origin, evolution, distribution, and habitability of life in the universe. Scientists have long questioned the origins and transfer of key elements and materials that form biological systems on Earth and beyond. Despite years of research, a thorough explanation for these phenomena has yet to be achieved. Thus, it is crucial to establish connections between astronomy, Earth and planetary science, chemistry, and biology. These fields offer unique insights into the dynamics of the universe, the complex systems that govern exoplanets, the solar system and the fundamental building blocks of life. By linking these disciplines, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the world around us and push the boundaries of scientific discovery. The JpGU astrobiology session provides an overview for astrobiologists interested in various research themes, including but not limited to, planetary system formation and evolution, exoplanetary surface environment and biosignatures, chemical evolution and geochemistry in the solar system, origins of biomolecules for life, and life detection strategies for space exploration. We are willing to facilitate informative discussions concerning the above themes, which aid in envisioning the future direction of astrobiology.
Presentation Format Oral and Poster
Collaboration Joint with -
The Society for the Study of the Origin and Evolution of Life Japan