Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences (A)
Session Sub-categoryComplex & General (CG)
Session IDA-CG43
Session Title Water and sediment dynamics from land to coastal zones
Short Title Dynamics connecting land & ocean
Date & Time Oral
AM1-AM2 Tue, 28 MAY
PM3 Tue, 28 MAY
Main Convener Name Yuko Asano
Affiliation Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Co-Convener 1 Name Shinichiro Kida
Affiliation Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University
Co-Convener 2 Name Dai Yamazaki
Affiliation Institute of Industrial Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Co-Convener 3 Name Keiko Udo
Affiliation Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tohoku University
Session Language J
Scope (Session Description) The dynamics of water and sediments from land to the ocean, such as hillslope runoff generation, river flow and flooding, sediment transport and geomorphology, and coastal river plumes, are inter-connected through processes with various spatial- and temporal-scales. As compound disasters and environmental changes often involve these processes occurring simultaneously at multiple scales, integrated understanding of the dynamics of water and sediments across hillslope, floodplain, river mouth, and coastal-zone are required. We welcome wide-range studies related to the dynamics of water and sediments from land to the ocean with theoretical, observational, and simulation-based approaches such as basic process understanding, in-situ and remote-sensing observations, big-data analysis and supercomputing.
Presentation Format Oral and Poster
Collaboration Joint with -
The Oceanographic Society of Japan, Japan Society of Hydrology & Water Resources