Name URL Contents Business Contact Keyword
1 Leadership Development Program for Space Exploration and Research, Nagoya University Program for Leading Graduate Schools HP Panel exhibition for introduction of the contents/activities of our program This program aims to expand the utilization of the space environment, the final frontier for humankind, by nurturing global leaders. Academic, Research
2 Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science Osaka University HP Our dept. of Osaka Univ. covers Earth & Planetary Science, Astrophysics. The entrance admission has paths from Physics, Geology, Astronomy, etc.. Educational Institution (University) Academic, Research
3 Okayama University of Science HP Introduction of researches and education in Okayama University of Science Okayama University of Science is a university in Okayama, Japan. Student can study geo-planetary sciences in two faculties; Faculty of Science and Faculty of Biosphere-Geosphere Science. Academic, Research
4 Chiba Institute of Science HP Introduction of education and research activities in Chiba Institute of Science, Japan. Education and research of earth and planetary science, including geomorphology, geology, climatology, meteorology, oceanography, glaciology, hydrology, botany and simulation is performed in Faculty of Risk and Crisis Management, Chiba Institute of Sciene, Japan. 0479-30-4500 Academic, Research
5 Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Kyushu University HP We present recent education and researches in our department. We educate undergraduate and graduate students who intend to understand the earth and planets, and are going on researching into earth and planetary sciences. 092-802-4209 Academic, Research
6 Biogeochemistry Group, Nagoya University HP Introduction to Biogeochemistry Group, Nagoya University. Studying Biogeochemistry in Nagoya University. Academic, Research
7 Graduate School of Earth and Environmental Studies HP Introduction of Graduate School of Earth & Environmental Studies, Nagoya University. Education and research of Earth and Environmenal Studies Academic, Research
8 The University of Aizu HP 0 0 Information, Communication
9 Graduate School of Geo-environmental Science, Rissho University HP This booth show studies and educatuon programs of the Graduate School of Geo-rnvionmental Science, Riccho University. Graduate school of Geoenvironmental Science, Rihho University have two courses, Environmental Systems and Geography. We also have undergraduate departments, Environmental Systems and Geography, faculty of Geo-environmental Science, 048-539-1630 Academic, Research
10 Divisions related to Earth and Planetary Sciences in Department of Natural History Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University HP Introduction of education and research activities Education and Research of Earth and Planetary Science 011-706-2734 Academic, Research