Session outline
Solid Earth Sciences(S)
Session Sub Category Technology & Techniques(TT)
Session ID S-TT55
Title Creating future of solid Earth science with high performance computing (HPC)
Short title Frontier science on solid Earth with HPC
Convener Name Takane Hori
Affiliation R&D Center for Earthquake and Tsunami, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Co-convener 1. Name Yoshiyuki Kaneda
Affiliation Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Co-convener 2. Name Muneo Hori
Affiliation Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo
Co-convener 3. Name Ryota Hino
Affiliation International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University
Co-convener 4. Name Taro Arikawa
Affiliation Port and Airport Research Institute
Co-convener 5. Name Masaru Todoriki
Affiliation Center for Integrated Disaster Information Research / Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
International Symposium No request
Language Japanese
Scope In this session we will explore the scientific and social issues that can be addressed by Earth scientists over the next 10-20 years using high performance computing (HPC). We will discuss future problems and prospects in the development of solid Earth science, especially for simulation technology in earthquake and tsunami disaster mitigation, new methods for big data analyses of seismic waves and crustal deformation obtained by high-density observation networks, construction of multi-scale solid Earth models, and so on. We welcome both earth scientists working on computational, observational and theoretical aspects of the physics of the solid Earth, and specialists on disaster mitigation, to discuss the role of HPC in solving future problems in this field.
Type of presentation Oral and Poster presentation
Invited papers Tsuyoshi Ichimura (The University of Tokyo)
Daisuke Nishiura (JAMSTEC)