Session outline
Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary(M)
Session Sub Category Intersection(IS)
Session ID M-IS02
Title Luni-solar gravitational, solar thermal tides and their modes in geospheres and in the biosphere
Short title Tides in geospheres and in the biosphere
Convener Name Stanislav Perov
Affiliation Central Aerologic Observatory
Co-convener 1. Name Gagik Poghosyan
Affiliation H. Buniatian Institute of Biochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Armenia, Yerevan.
Co-convener 2. Name Nina S. Shapovalova
Affiliation Hydrometeorological Centre of Russian Federation
International Symposium 'International Symposium' in addition to Scientific session.
Language English
Scope The luni-solar gravitational tides in the atmosphere are recorded as the waves with the periods close to one day and its subharmonics. Some of them are usually interpreted as the proper atmospheric modes. They commonly have either the amplitude or the frequency modulations. A new explanation of the quasi-diurnal and quasi-semidiurnal tides lines in the spectrum of the atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) and other atmospheric characteristics is proposed. The role of gravity tides in the dynamics of the atmosphere and the ocean is underestimated. The reasons of a wrong estimation of a role of the tidal phenomena in geophysics are explained. It is shown that ~3.5 and ~7 days tidal periods forcings determine processes in the atmosphere (tropical depressions, cyclones (incl. tropical), monsoon precipitation periodicity, magnetosphere oscillations and increase the medical statistics in cardio-vascular illnesses and in other ones as well (see below). Luni-solar gravitational tides correlates absolutely with Earth rotation rate (ERR) and can be calculated for any time in advance. So, the 1st main conclusion must be done that atmosphere/ocean phenomena are deterministic processes rather than stochastics ones. That leads inevitably to the 2nd important inference: so called the time limit of forecasting (f.e. for weather change) is not exist! 3d one is: we deal with open physical system that is resonant one. The correlation of 3,5 and 7 days periods of weather change with the same periods of human health parameters has been established.
In the research of 33 genealogical trees, on the basis of detection of significant divergence with a random distribution of dates of birth among the genetic relatives respectively to two solar long-period harmonics known from the Earth tide theory, a hypothesis of the regular cosmogeophysical oscillations influence' mechanism on hormone secretion in the humans' organisms was suggested using the methods of mathematical statistics.
Type of presentation Oral and Poster presentation
Invited papers