タイトル和文JpGU-AGU-EGU Great Debate: Impact of research assessment and going forward
英文JpGU-AGU-EGU Great Debate: Impact of research assessment and going forward
タイトル短縮名和文JpGU-AGU-EGU Great Debate: Impact of research assessment and going forward
英文JpGU-AGU-EGU Great Debate
代表コンビーナ 氏名和文堀 和明
英文Kazuaki Hori
英文Department of Geography, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University
共同コンビーナ 1氏名和文Denis-Didier Rousseau
英文Denis-Didier Rousseau
所属和文CNRS - ENS
共同コンビーナ 2氏名和文Jonathan L Bamber
英文Jonathan L Bamber
スコープ和文Research assessment mainly based on indices that can be easily quantified such as the number of papers and citations, impact factor, research grant, is spreading among researchers and institutions. However, as typified by DORA (The Declaration on Research Assessment), there has been a movement to review and improve this situation. In this great debate, we discuss the impact of research assessment on researchers, research institutes, research funding agencies, publishers, and even society, based on the current problems of research assessment.
英文Research assessment mainly based on indices that can be easily quantified such as the number of papers and citations, impact factor, research grant, is spreading among researchers and institutions. However, as typified by DORA (The Declaration on Research Assessment), there has been a movement to review and improve this situation. In this great debate, we discuss the impact of research assessment on researchers, research institutes, research funding agencies, publishers, and even society, based on the current problems of research assessment.
口頭発表 5月26日 PM1
13:45 - 15:15U01-01Panel discussion about research assessment堀 和明予稿