タイトル和文Intraslab and intraplate earthquakes
英文Intraslab and intraplate earthquakes
タイトル短縮名和文Intraslab and intraplate earthquakes
英文Intraslab and intraplate earthquakes
代表コンビーナ 氏名和文北 佐枝子
英文Saeko Kita
英文International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, BRI
共同コンビーナ 1氏名和文大内 智博
英文Tomohiro Ohuchi
英文Geodynamics Research Center, Ehime University
共同コンビーナ 2氏名和文Marcel Thielmann
英文Marcel Thielmann
所属和文Bavarian Geoinstitute, University of Bayreuth
英文Bavarian Geoinstitute, University of Bayreuth
共同コンビーナ 3氏名和文奥脇 亮
英文Ryo Okuwaki
英文Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
スコープ和文The purpose of this session is to share recent advances of geo-scientifical studies for intraslab and shallow-depth intraplate earthquakes. We seek to formulate future directions of the interdisciplinary study of the occurrence of intermediate-depth and deep earthquakes from the viewpoint of seismology, geodynamics and mineral physics. We welcome presentations from a wide variety of scientific disciplines, including seismology, seismotectonics, geodynamics, mineral and rock physics, other geophysics, geology, and numerical modeling.
英文The purpose of this session is to share recent advances of geo-scientifical studies for intraslab and shallow-depth intraplate earthquakes. We seek to formulate future directions of the interdisciplinary study of the occurrence of intermediate-depth and deep earthquakes from the viewpoint of seismology, geodynamics and mineral physics. We welcome presentations from a wide variety of scientific disciplines, including seismology, seismotectonics, geodynamics, mineral and rock physics, other geophysics, geology, and numerical modeling.
招待講演Wasja Bloch (GeoForschungszentrum Potsdam)
Julien Gasc (CNRS - ENS)
Marina Manea (Computational Geodynamics Laboratory, Geosciences Center, National Autonomous University of Mexico)
中尾 篤史 (東京大学地震研究所)
川勝 均 (東京大学地震研究所)
口頭発表 5月30日 AM1
09:00 - 09:15SCG50-01On a reversely-dipping low-velocity layer in the Tohoku-slab beneath the forearc: unbending induced fluid pathway?川勝 均予稿
09:15 - 09:30SCG50-02Evidence for transient fluid pathways in the mantle of the subducting Nazca slab from seismological observations and modeling of the Poisson's ratioWasja Bloch予稿
09:30 - 09:45SCG50-03Numerical simulation of water transportation along subducting slabs and implications for intraslab earthquakes中尾 篤史予稿
09:45 - 10:00SCG50-04Subduction of serpentinized fracture zone and intraslab earthquakes in southern MexicoMarina Manea予稿
10:00 - 10:15SCG50-05Reaction-induced embrittlement of the lower continental crustAlexandre Schubnel予稿
10:15 - 10:30SCG50-06Transformation-induced, melt-enhanced faulting in orthoenstatite: implications for global intermediate-depth earthquakesWang Yanbin予稿
口頭発表 5月30日 AM2
10:45 - 11:00SCG50-07The Isolated M7.9 Deep Earthquake of 30 May 2015 Under the Present Bonin Wadati-Benioff Zone: Evidence from the New ISC-EHB Earthquake Catalogue (1930-2015) and CMT Focal MechanismsKirby Stephen予稿
11:00 - 11:15SCG50-08What Can Mw –4 Lab-Quakes Teach Us About Deep-Focus Earthquakes?Julien Gasc予稿
11:15 - 11:30SCG50-09Deep intraslab earthquake rupture due to grain size assisted thermal runawayMarcel Thielmann予稿
11:30 - 11:45SCG50-102012年宮城沖プレート内ダブレット地震の震源断層モデルから検討した日本海溝近傍における海洋プレート内レオロジー久保田 達矢予稿
11:45 - 12:00SCG50-11Source-rupture process of the intraplate earthquake; its diversity related to the fault geometry and damaged fault zone奥脇 亮予稿
12:00 - 12:15SCG50-12Aftershocks of the NEXT Cascadia Intraslab EarthquakePaul Bodin予稿
ポスター発表 5月30日 PM2
SCG50-P01紀伊半島下フィリピン海スラブ内におけるスロースリップ発生前後の地震活動度、応力場、およびb値の変化北 佐枝子予稿
SCG50-P02Inhomogeneous conduit across slab controlled by intraslab stress heterogeneity in the Nankai subduction zone大坪 誠予稿
SCG50-P03New insights into the mechanism of deep-focus earthquakes土山 絢子予稿
SCG50-P04Faulting in deforming harzburgite under wet conditions大内 智博予稿
SCG50-P05Semi-brittle behavior of olivine single crystals under the conditions of Earth’s mantle transition zone大内 智博予稿
SCG50-P06High-pressure deformation experiments on peridotite gouges under hydrothermal conditions, using a deformation-DIA apparatus仙場 真紀予稿
SCG50-P07Stable fault slip in antigorite-olivine aggregates at high pressures久保 友明予稿
SCG50-P08Rheology and frictional instability of lawsonite in high pressure deformation experiments白石 令予稿
SCG50-P09Grain Size Dependency of Olivine-Spinel Phase Transformational Mechanism Responsible for Deep-focus Earthquakes澤 燦道予稿
SCG50-P10Seismicity and mineral destabilizations in the subducting mantle up to 6 GPa, 200 km depth Thomas P. Ferrand予稿
SCG50-P11Receiver function imaging of subducting Pacific plate and mantle wedge under Japanese islands using denser network of stationsHyeJeong Kim予稿
SCG50-P12Strong S-wave attenuation in the mantle wedge beneath the NE Japan and interpretations of high-frequency wave propagation path of intraslab earthquakes椎名 高裕予稿