タイトル和文Advanced Remote Sensing toward Mega-Disaster Response
英文Advanced Remote Sensing toward Mega-Disaster Response
タイトル短縮名和文Advanced Remote Sensing toward Mega-Disaster Response
英文Remote Sensing, Disaster
代表コンビーナ 氏名和文栄珠 郭
英文Young-Joo Kwak
英文ICHARM-UNESCO: International Centre for Water Hazard And Risk Management
共同コンビーナ 1氏名和文竹内 渉
英文Wataru Takeuchi
英文Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo
スコープ和文Natural disaster under climate change is a serious threat to sustainable development, and in recent years natural disasters, i.e., hydro-geo-meteorological hazards and risks, have been frequently experienced in many countries by both developing and developed countries.
To achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this session introduces papers focused on both principles and applications of remote sensing to promote investment in disaster risk reduction using integrated GIS and space infra data. Advanced remote sensing with Earth observation (EO) data appears to be the way forward in reducing damages and the death toll or affected people at local, national, regional and global levels.
We encourage the presentation of new research findings and novel approaches on land surface dynamics due to mega disasters between near-real time observation and long-term trends with water/hydrological cycle, such as floods, tropical cyclones (typhoons), storm surges, earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, and wildfires.

英文Natural disaster under climate change is a serious threat to sustainable development, and in recent years natural disasters, i.e., hydro-geo-meteorological hazards and risks, have been frequently experienced in many countries by both developing and developed countries.
To achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this session introduces papers focused on both principles and applications of remote sensing to promote investment in disaster risk reduction using integrated GIS and space infra data. Advanced remote sensing with Earth observation (EO) data appears to be the way forward in reducing damages and the death toll or affected people at local, national, regional and global levels.
We encourage the presentation of new research findings and novel approaches on land surface dynamics due to mega disasters between near-real time observation and long-term trends with water/hydrological cycle, such as floods, tropical cyclones (typhoons), storm surges, earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, and wildfires.

招待講演朴 鍾杰 (東京情報大学)
ポスター発表 5月27日 PM1
HDS12-P01Satellite-based assessment of electricity restoration efforts in Puerto Rico after Hurricane MariaMiguel O Roman予稿
HDS12-P02Flood inundation forecasting coupled with in-situ water level and satellite data栄珠 郭予稿
HDS12-P03バングラデッシュ海岸域における水害長期モニタリング朴 鍾杰予稿
HDS12-P04Automatic shoreline detection and coastal change detection using multiple satellite data in Bangladesh栄珠 郭予稿