タイトル和文ECS-Kuroshio and Ryukyu Current System -Observation, modeling and theory-
英文ECS-Kuroshio and Ryukyu Current System -Observation, modeling and theory-
タイトル短縮名和文ECS-Kuroshio and Ryukyu Current System -Observation, modeling and theory-
英文ECS-Kuroshio & Ryukyu Current System
代表コンビーナ 氏名和文中村 啓彦
英文Hirohiko Nakamura
所属和文鹿児島大学 水産学部
英文Kagoshima University, Faculy of Fisheries
共同コンビーナ 1氏名和文Xiao-Hua Zhu
英文Xiao-Hua Zhu
所属和文Second Institute of Oceanography
英文Second Institute of Oceanography
スコープ和文The East China Sea (ECS) is separated from the North Pacific basin by the Ryukyu Islands. On each side of the Ryukyu Islands, there lies two western boundary currents -the Kuroshio on the northwest and the Ryukyu Current on the southeast. These two currents play an important role in the global substance cycle and have a remarkable impact on the climate and adjacent marginal seas. Our knowledge of the Kuroshio and the Ryukyu Current's dynamics, variability, and impact has advanced significantly over the last decade, because of recent international collaborative field programs, improvement in satellite measurements, and advancement in high-resolution numerical models. This session seeks contributions from ECS-Kuroshio and Ryukyu Current studies and will cover a wide range of topics of observation, modeling and theory. The dynamics of the Kuroshio and the Ryukyu Current's variability at all spatio-temporal scales, the influence of the Kuroshio on typhoons and climate, the interactions among the Kuroshio, Ryukyu Current and eddies, internal waves including near-internal waves and their interactions with background currents, and the water mass exchanges through the gaps between the Ryukyu Islands are welcome to be discussed in this session.
英文The East China Sea (ECS) is separated from the North Pacific basin by the Ryukyu Islands. On each side of the Ryukyu Islands, there lies two western boundary currents -the Kuroshio on the northwest and the Ryukyu Current on the southeast. These two currents play an important role in the global substance cycle and have a remarkable impact on the climate and adjacent marginal seas. Our knowledge of the Kuroshio and the Ryukyu Current's dynamics, variability, and impact has advanced significantly over the last decade, because of recent international collaborative field programs, improvement in satellite measurements, and advancement in high-resolution numerical models. This session seeks contributions from ECS-Kuroshio and Ryukyu Current studies and will cover a wide range of topics of observation, modeling and theory. The dynamics of the Kuroshio and the Ryukyu Current's variability at all spatio-temporal scales, the influence of the Kuroshio on typhoons and climate, the interactions among the Kuroshio, Ryukyu Current and eddies, internal waves including near-internal waves and their interactions with background currents, and the water mass exchanges through the gaps between the Ryukyu Islands are welcome to be discussed in this session.
招待講演Magdalena Andres (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
Ren-Chieh Lien (None)
口頭発表 5月29日 PM1
13:50 - 14:10AOS08-01Downstream Evolution of the Kuroshio Velocity Structure and TransportMagdalena Andres予稿
14:10 - 14:25AOS08-02Non-seasonal variability of the Kuroshio shelf intrusion and its associated changes in the ocean environment over the East China Sea during 1993-2017Jiwon Kang予稿
14:25 - 14:40AOS08-03The temporal and spatial variability of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea and its associated mechanismsYanzhou Wei予稿
14:40 - 14:55AOS08-04The Joint Kuroshio–Ryukyu Current System Study and a rapid report about mooring observations southeast of MiyakojimaXiao-Hua Zhu予稿
14:55 - 15:10AOS08-05Relationship of the Kuroshio with the current fields in the East China Sea from observations and model resultsHong Sik Min予稿
口頭発表 5月29日 PM2
15:35 - 15:55AOS08-06Separating Small-Scale Oceanic Internal Waves and Vortical MotionsRen-Chieh Lien予稿
15:55 - 16:10AOS08-07Structure and variability of the Kuroshio current in the Tokara Strait劉 昭君予稿
16:10 - 16:25AOS08-08Near-inertial waves advected by the Kuroshio from observation and simulationCHANHYUNG JEON予稿
16:25 - 16:40AOS08-09Turbulent mixing and near-inertial internal waves induced by the Kuroshio over seamounts in the Tokara Strait長井 健容予稿
16:40 - 16:55AOS08-10Microstructure and mooring observations of enhanced mixing in the Kerama Gap井上 龍一郎予稿
ポスター発表 5月29日 AM2
AOS08-P01Impact of the mesosacle eddies on the western boundary current over the entire western North Pacific加古 真一郎予稿
AOS08-P02Glider observations of interleaving layers in the KuroshioSen Jan予稿
AOS08-P03Bottom Pressure in the East China Sea -Observation and modelingHua Zheng予稿
AOS08-P04A numerical study on the dynamics of seasonal velocity variation in the East China Sea張 振龍予稿
AOS08-P05Temporal and spatial velocity variations over the Kuroshio Extension, Kuroshio and Ryukyu Current System in 1982-2014喬 煜翔予稿
AOS08-P06Characteristics of water in the southern Okinawa Trough.仁科 文子予稿