英文Materials transport and nutrient cycles in watersheds; Human and climate impacts
英文Watershed material transport & nutrient cycle
代表コンビーナ氏名和文齋藤 光代
英文Mitsuyo Saito
英文Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science, Okayama University
共同コンビーナ 1氏名和文小野寺 真一
英文Shin-ichi Onodera
英文Graduate School of Integrated and Arts Sciences, Hiroshima University
共同コンビーナ 2氏名和文細野 高啓
英文Takahiro Hosono
英文Priority Organization for Innovation and Excellence, Kumamoto University
共同コンビーナ 3氏名和文Adina Paytan
英文Adina Paytan
所属和文University of California Santa Cruz
英文University of California Santa Cruz
英文This session aims to synthetize watershed sciences in order to understand dynamical processes of materials transport and nutrient cycles in watersheds from headwaters to coastal seas focusing on human and climate impacts. The session will be integrating a variety of research disciplines including limnology, ground water hydrology, coastal oceanography, meteorology, pedology, sedimentology, forestry, agriculture, fishery, social science and more. The watershed sciences also challenge us to solve environmental issues emerged in the watersheds through our profound understanding of relations between humanity and nature. For instance, on one hand, human land uses alter water resources, dynamics of sediments, nutrients and pollutants in waters and soils on watershed scales, while changing climates may alter water cycle, the frequency and intensity of materials transport and natural disaster, sometimes having catastrophic effects on the watershed systems. This session also calls for ideas on new methods for the watershed sciences, such as tracer and molecular technique, hydrological modeling, paleontological approaches, laboratory and field experiments, social-scientific evaluation of ecosystem services and social-ecological systems, and so on, in order to elucidate physical, chemical and biological mechanisms for shedding light on natural phenomena and their changes over time in complex and dynamic watershed systems. Through this session, we would like to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration among participants to create new knowledge on watershed sciences.
  • Adina Paytan (University of California Santa Cruz)
  • Jianyao CHEN (Sun Yastsen University)
  • Ridwansyah Iwan (Research Center for Limnology Indonesian Institute of Sciences)
  • 大西 健夫 (岐阜大学応用生物科学部)
時間 講演番号 タイトル 発表者 予稿原稿
口頭発表 5月20日 PM1
13:50 - 14:10 AHW20-01Assessing Cumulative Effects of Climate Change Manipulations on Phosphorus Limitation in a Californian GrasslandAdina Paytan予稿
14:10 - 14:25 AHW20-02Biodiversity and phosphorus cycling in the river ecosystem奥田 昇予稿
14:25 - 14:40 AHW20-03Spatial variation in phosphorus and nitrogen spiral metrics in a tropical watershed in relation to land usesIrisse Bianca Baldovino De Jesus予稿
14:40 - 14:55 AHW20-04Land-use and topographic characteristics control nitrate concentration in river water of Lake Kitaura Basin, Japan菊地 哲郎予稿
14:55 - 15:15 AHW20-05Reconstruction of environmental changes and anthropogenic activities based on sedimentary records in the Pearl River Delta, ChinaJianyao CHEN予稿
口頭発表 5月20日 PM2
15:30 - 15:45 AHW20-06秋田県・田沢湖における水質と循環の歴史的変遷知北 和久予稿
15:45 - 16:00 AHW20-07Estimation of Lacustrine Groundwater Discharge (LGD) via two paths in Lake Biwa, Japan小野寺 真一予稿
16:00 - 16:15 AHW20-08Estimation of lacustrine groundwater discharge into Biwa LakeKunyang Wang予稿
16:15 - 16:30 AHW20-09Groundwater hydrochemical condition in Delta Cimanuk River, West Java, IndonesiaAnna Fadliah Rusydi予稿
16:30 - 16:45 AHW20-10Stable Isotopes Reveal Anthropogenic Impacts on the Littoral Food Webs of Laguna de Bay, PhilippinesElfritzson Martin Peralta予稿
16:45 - 17:00 AHW20-11The examination of environmental factors on the community composition of riverine bacteria and microalgae in an epilithon during irrigation season in the Yasu River, Japan池谷 透予稿
口頭発表 5月21日 AM1
09:00 - 09:15 AHW20-12Modelling Surface and Shallow Groundwater Interactions in Cimanuk Catchment Area using the SWAT ModelRidwansyah Iwan予稿
09:15 - 09:30 AHW20-13A comparative study on evapotranspiration methods using SWAT model in a forest-dominated watershed, western Japan清水 裕太予稿
09:30 - 09:45 AHW20-14Estimation of flow path in headwater area, using hourly resolution SWAT Model analysisYang Cao予稿
09:45 - 10:00 AHW20-15Elemental distributions in a high biodiversity forested catchment in SingaporeTrinh Canh Tien Nguyen予稿
10:00 - 10:15 AHW20-16砂岩内部の水の毛管上昇速度:実験とモデリング横山 正予稿
10:15 - 10:30 AHW20-17河川系における地質由来ヒ素の水田灌漑用水を経由する土壌水から水稲への輸送と蓄積中屋 眞司予稿
口頭発表 5月21日 AM2
10:45 - 11:00 AHW20-18伊勢湾流域を事例とした気候変動による水量・水質変化評価の試み大西 健夫予稿
11:00 - 11:15 AHW20-19簡易な流域土地利用モデルによる窒素,リン,SS負荷係数の算出 -北海道,東北地方の解析-吉川 省子予稿
11:15 - 11:30 AHW20-20Estimation of dissolved chemical loading flowing into Lake Issyk-Kul齋藤 圭予稿
11:30 - 11:45 AHW20-21Nitrate concentrations of groundwater and surface water in Sao Paulo State, Brazil.
The reasons why they are low.
田瀬 則雄予稿
11:45 - 12:00 AHW20-22Nitrogen in groundwater of agricultural areas in São Paulo State, Brazil齋藤 光代予稿
講演番号 タイトル 発表者 予稿原稿
ポスター発表 5月21日 コア
AHW20-P01 Application of Model for Prediction Across Scales in Drought Index and Reservoir Inflow Estimation Yu-Chi Wang 予稿
AHW20-P02 Daily rainfall forecasting through an ensemble numerical weather prediction system with an AI-based integration strategy Ming-Chang Wu 予稿
AHW20-P03 An assessment of Water and Nutrient dynamics in a large agricultural watershed in Brazil using SWAT model 清水 裕太 予稿
AHW20-P04 企業が所有する森林の水源涵養機能定量化の試み ~「アサヒの森」を例として~ 佐藤 怜 予稿
AHW20-P05 Estimating water budget in forested watershed flowing to Ariake-sea using SWAT model 藤井 創一朗 予稿
AHW20-P06 A comparison of initial deposition and current inventory of radiocesium in forest ecosystems surrounding Tokyo metropolitan area 伊藤 優子 予稿
AHW20-P07 Dynamics of radioactive and stable cesium in a forest in Fukushima, Japan 小林 政広 予稿
AHW20-P08 Annual Variation in Sediment Yield and Nutrient Load in Chugoku Region, Western Japan Fandy Tri Admajaya 予稿
AHW20-P09 Long term variation of water balance controlled by land use change in an urbanization catchment, Yamato River Kunyang Wang 予稿
AHW20-P10 Estimation of water budget including deep groundwater discharge in small islands, using hourly resolution SWAT Model analysis Yang Cao 予稿
AHW20-P11 琵琶湖東岸における水素・酸素安定同位体比の高度効果と水質特徴 友澤 裕介 予稿
AHW20-P12 Spatial variations of stable isotopic and biogeochemical properties at headwater catchments 大平 友紀 予稿
AHW20-P13 Changes in the surrounding water environment due to Ontake volcano (140927) 浅見 和希 予稿
AHW20-P14 箱根山噴火(150629)の周辺水環境に与える影響 堀内 雅生 予稿
AHW20-P15 離島の水環境に関する比較研究―長崎県の島嶼を中心に―(2) 矢巻 剛 予稿
AHW20-P16 インドラマユ沿岸域における地下水の酸化還元状態の予察的研究 井岡 聖一郎 予稿
AHW20-P17 Nitrate Dual-Stable Isotope Analysis Identifies Sources of Groundwater Nitrogen Pollution in the Silang-Sta. Rosa Subwatershed of Laguna de Bay Osbert Leo Alcantara Privaldos 予稿
AHW20-P18 Effect of over-levee irrigation on nutrient concentration in paddy field 石田 卓也 予稿
AHW20-P19 Influence of new introduction of circulation irrigation on water quality in Inbanuma, Chiba, Japan 久保田 富次郎 予稿
AHW20-P20 Effects of agricultural practices in rice crop systems on the diversity of periphyton and phosphorus dynamics in streams of the Yasu River watershed 岩田 智也 予稿
AHW20-P21 What is difference between orthophosphate and SRP in lake waters? Rong YI 予稿
AHW20-P22 Zooplankton Community Structure in the Littoral Zones of Laguna de Bay reflects Land Cover and Nutrient Loading in near-shore areas Mary Michelle Villanueva Guinto 予稿
AHW20-P23 Migration history of pelagic crucian carp " Carassius auratus grandoculis" endemic to Lake biwa: Reconstructed from otolith strontium stable isotope. 上原 佳敏 予稿
AHW20-P24 セスジユスリカを用いたバイオアッセイによる河川底質の有害性評価のためのフィージビリティスタディ 中屋 眞司 予稿
AHW20-P25 Observation for the groundwater inflow to the lagoons connected to Lake Biwa 齋藤 光代 予稿
AHW20-P26 Typhoon impact submarine groundwater discharge and its nutrient load in a tidal flat 森田 みなみ 予稿
AHW20-P27 Estimation of erosion rate and deposition process of a small pond in an agricultural catchment, subtropical small island 小野寺 真一 予稿
AHW20-P28 Effects of Dam Construction on Suspended Sediment and Dissolved Solids Transport in the Ca River, North-Central Vietnam Phuong Thi Ho 予稿
AHW20-P29 Possibility of Nitrogen Emissions Evaluation from the Viewpoint of State-Scale Agricultural Product Production and Transport in Brazil 宮岡 邦任 予稿