英文Evolution and variability of Asian Monsoon and its linkage with Cenozoic global cooling
英文Evolution of Asian Monsoon
代表コンビーナ氏名和文多田 隆治
英文Ryuji Tada
英文Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, The Univeristy of Tokyo
共同コンビーナ 1氏名和文Christian Betzler
英文Christian Betzler
所属和文University of Hamburg
英文University of Hamburg
共同コンビーナ 2氏名和文Peter Dominic Clift
英文Peter Dominic Clift
所属和文Louisiana State University
英文Louisiana State University
英文Although Asian Monsoon (AM) is a regional phenomenon, it exerts a significant impact on the global climate. Since uplift of Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau (HTP) has been considered to have played a significant role on the establishment and intensification of AM, numerous attempts have been made to prove the linkage between the HTP uplift and AM evolution, but the linkage is largely unproved till now. On the other hand, comparison of global climatic changes, pCO2 reconstructions, and AM evolution process during Cenozoic suggests that AM evolution is significantly affected by global climate changes most likely through pCO2. Thus, importance of the HTP uplift on AM evolution is questioned. However, it should be noted that the effects of the HTP uplift and AM precipitation on chemical weathering, erosion, and CO2 uptake could be acting as feedback loops on AM-HTP uplift linkage. From July 2013 to November 2016, IODP conducted a series of expeditions such as 346 (Asian Monsoon), 353 (Indian Monsoon Rainfall), 354 (Bengal Fan), 355 (Arabian Monsoon), 356 (Indian through-flow), and 359 (Maldives Monsoon) that are related to AM evolution and its interaction with global climate system in NW Pacific and Indian Ocean regions, and exciting results are gradually coming out. We believe it is timely to start gathering and synthesizing the results of these cruises and update and exchange information and ideas to promote our understanding of AM evolution, variability, their controlling factors, and their interaction with global climate system during the Cenozoic.