英文Battles of soil scientists for recapturing Fukushima land from Nuclear Power Plant accident.
英文Recover from Nuclear Powerplant accident
代表コンビーナ氏名和文西村 拓
英文Taku Nishimura
英文Deptartment of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Tokyo
共同コンビーナ 1氏名和文溝口 勝
英文Masaru Mizoguchi
英文Graduate school of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
共同コンビーナ 2氏名和文登尾 浩助
英文Kosuke Noborio
英文Meiji University
スコープ和文福島第一原子力発電所の事故から5年を経過し,放射性物質の除染もある程度進み,帰村も一部開始された。研究者はこの状況で,調査・研究の成果を科学技術論文という形で世に残す一方で,住民の「もう一度住めるのか」,「働けるのか」といった不安や疑問にも答える責務があると考えられる。事故後,森林に沈着した放射性物質の森林外への移行が遅いと期待されることや特定の鉱物に放射性セシウムが強く収着されることなど多くの重要な知見が得られてきた。2013年に米国土壌科学会国際大会で実施されたセッション“Battles of Soil Scientists in Fukushima, Japan”に引き続き,新たに明らかになったことや,それをどう現地のコミュニティに還元するかを議論するセッションを開催する。70%以上が森林におおわれ,農村地域が広く分布する福島では,森林と人間の関わり,除染後の農業生産再開の可能性,地域コミュニティの復活等人間の生活に近いスケールで自然と人間圏に双方に関わる複合的な課題が多く残されている。本セッションでは,これらに関する土壌科学,水文学,農学,社会科学等からの発表を広く期待する。
英文Five years have passed since the accident of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant. Remediation of lands from radioactive pollutants derived from the power plant is still on the way. However, some local villagers have started returning their own home. At this moment, it is critical for local residents whether they could come home, and restart farming in the village. Scientists must be responsible for answering such questions. Since the accident, scientists have discovered important information on behaviors of radioactive cesium, i.e. cesium deposited in the forest is expected to move quite slowly and some minerals like weathered biotite tightly retains radioactive cesium. More than 70% of the Fukushima area is covered by forest, and commercial farming is the most important activity in the polluted areas of Fukushima. The situation would exert difficult assignments on scientists such as life in a forest landscape, possibility of and how to restart producing agricultural commodities at decontaminated farmlands, and restructuring local communities, and so on. Those complex issues are related to social and natural sciences such as sociology, agronomy, soil science, hydrology and ecology, etc. We did preliminary discussion at ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meeting 2013 in Tampa, U.S.A. by driving a session "Battles of Soil Scientists in Fukushima, Japan". In the coming session we are welcome to have oral or poster presentations by any related areas of science, and expecting to share latest scientific information, insights and ideas on this matter.