セッション小記号 大気水圏科学複合領域・一般(CG)
セッションID A-CG08
タイトル 和文 Mountainous Catchment Storage Estimation for water resource management and flood risk reduction purposes
英文 Mountainous Catchment Storage Estimation for water resource management and flood risk reduction purposes
タイトル短縮名 和文 Mountainous Catchment Storage Estimation
英文 Mountainous Catchment Storage Estimation
代表コンビーナ 氏名 和文 SUPRABA INTAN
所属 和文 River and Watershed Engineering Laboratory, Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University
英文 River and Watershed Engineering Laboratory, Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University
メールアドレス intan.supraba@eng.hokudai.ac.jp
共同コンビーナ 氏名 和文 小田 智基
英文 Tomoki Oda
所属 和文 東京大学
英文 the University of Tokyo
メールアドレス oh-dah@fr.a.u-tokyo.ac.jp
国際セッション開催希望 国際セッションとしての開催を希望する
発表主要言語 英語
スコープ 和文 Estimating catchment storage for water resources management and flood risk reduction purposes is one of research target in hydrology area. Rain water falling to the ground surface will either runoff along the surface or infiltrate into the soil. As majority of catchments in Japan are mountainous catchments, it is necessary to estimate the potential water storage (water holding capacity) of each catchments for knowing the portion of rain water that can be stored in the catchment, and the portion of rain water that become surface runoff. For many years, civil and forest hydrologists have proposed several methods to estimate surface runoff. One method proposed by civil hydrologists is to estimate surface runoff by estimating water holding capacity distribution of each catchments. The variation of water holding capacity can be analyzed from many aspects such as catchment physiographic variables, rock type, soil type, terrain, and also climatic condition. On the other hand, one method proposed by forest hydrologist is to estimate surface runoff by tracer approach. In this session, researchs related to estimation water storage in mountains catchments are welcome. At the end of the session, the collaboration possibilities between forest hydrologists and civil hydrologists to address the same issue will be discussed.
英文 Estimating catchment storage for water resources management and flood risk reduction purposes is one of research target in hydrology area. Rain water falling to the ground surface will either runoff along the surface or infiltrate into the soil. As majority of catchments in Japan are mountainous catchments, it is necessary to estimate the potential water storage (water holding capacity) of each catchments for knowing the portion of rain water that can be stored in the catchment, and the portion of rain water that become surface runoff. For many years, civil and forest hydrologists have proposed several methods to estimate surface runoff. One method proposed by civil hydrologists is to estimate surface runoff by estimating water holding capacity distribution of each catchments. The variation of water holding capacity can be analyzed from many aspects such as catchment physiographic variables, rock type, soil type, terrain, and also climatic condition. On the other hand, one method proposed by forest hydrologist is to estimate surface runoff by tracer approach. In this session, researchs related to estimation water storage in mountains catchments are welcome. At the end of the session, the collaboration possibilities between forest hydrologists and civil hydrologists to address the same issue will be discussed.
発表方法希望 口頭および(または)ポスターセッション
招待講演 Associate Professor Tomohito J.YAMADA (Hokkaido University)
Dr.Tomohiro EGUSA (The University of Tokyo)