セッション小記号 地球内部科学・地球惑星テクトニクス(IT)
セッションID S-IT06
タイトル 和文 Geofluids and their roles in dynamics of the Earth's interior
英文 Geofluids and their roles in dynamics of the Earth's interior
タイトル短縮名 和文 Geofluids
英文 Geofluids
代表コンビーナ 氏名 和文 岩森 光
英文 Hikaru Iwamori
所属 和文 東京工業大学大学院理工学研究科地球惑星科学専攻
英文 Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology
共同コンビーナ 1 氏名 和文 ブルノ レイナード
英文 Bruno Reynard
所属 和文 リヨン高等師範学校
英文 Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
共同コンビーナ 2 氏名 和文 スティーブ カービー
英文 Stephen Kirby
所属 和文 米国地質調査所
共同コンビーナ 3 氏名 和文 高橋 栄一
英文 Eiichi Takahashi
所属 和文 東京工業大学
英文 Tokyo Institute of Technology
国際セッション開催希望 国際セッションとしての開催を希望する
発表主要言語 英語
スコープ 和文 Fluids on the surface and in the interior of the Earth may play crucial roles in terrestrial dynamics and evolution of a wide spectrum of phenomena in time and space, e.g., active tectonics such as earthquakes, slow fault slip, magmatism, hydrothermal activity to long-term orogeny with metamorphic complex and continental evolution. How much and where do fluids actually exist, and which evidence is sensitive? What are the fluid pathways and how fast do fluids migrate? How much do they reduce mechanical strength, induce rock failure, or enhance melting? Geofluids must carry various (but specific) chemical components. How much do they migrate and thereby contribute to formation of ore and continental crust? Geological, geophysical and geochemical methods are all necessary to address these questions, and we highly welcome various contributions from observational, experimental and theoretical approaches.
英文 Fluids on the surface and in the interior of the Earth may play crucial roles in terrestrial dynamics and evolution of a wide spectrum of phenomena in time and space, e.g., active tectonics such as earthquakes, slow fault slip, magmatism, hydrothermal activity to long-term orogeny with metamorphic complex and continental evolution. How much and where do fluids actually exist, and which evidence is sensitive? What are the fluid pathways and how fast do fluids migrate? How much do they reduce mechanical strength, induce rock failure, or enhance melting? Geofluids must carry various (but specific) chemical components. How much do they migrate and thereby contribute to formation of ore and continental crust? Geological, geophysical and geochemical methods are all necessary to address these questions, and we highly welcome various contributions from observational, experimental and theoretical approaches.
発表方法希望 口頭および(または)ポスターセッション
招待講演 Bruno Reynard (Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon), Stephen Kirby (USGS)