セッション小記号 防災地球科学(DS)
セッションID H-DS05
タイトル 和文 Coastal Restoration in Post Tsunami Events; Environmental Effects and Sustainability
英文 Coastal Restoration in Post Tsunami Events; Environmental Effects and Sustainability
タイトル短縮名 和文 Postsunami Restoration Sustainability
英文 Postsunami Restoration Sustainability
代表コンビーナ 氏名 和文 Santiago-Fandino Vicente
英文 Vicente Santiago-Fandino
所属 和文 none
英文 none
共同コンビーナ 1 氏名 和文 松本 淳
英文 Jun Matsumoto
所属 和文 首都大学東京大学院都市環境科学研究科地理環境科学専攻
英文 Deaprtment of Geography, Tokyo Metropolitan University
共同コンビーナ 2 氏名 和文 高橋 智幸
英文 Tomoyuki Takahashi
所属 和文 関西大学 社会安全学部
英文 Faculty of Safety Science, Kansai University
共同コンビーナ 3 氏名 和文 Santiago-Fandino Vicente
英文 Vicente Santiago-Fandino
所属 和文 none
英文 none
国際セッション開催希望 国際セッションとしての開催を希望する
発表主要言語 英語
スコープ 和文 An integrative session whereby environmental and managerial components including sustainability are presented and discussed. It will focus on the measures and actions undertaken after March 11 to restore the tsunami and earthquake devastated area along the coastline in Japan considering aspects related to the restoration and rebuilding of cities, coastal areas, estuaries and rias, lower watersheds (which would include rivers and streams), fishing grounds, etc. The topics to be included would consider inland and coastal waters interaction, sediments and pollution aspects in fisheries and seafarming productivity as well as fish migration, sea fences and protecting coastal structures, Satoumi practices and local communities involvement and related environmental sustainability issues.
英文 An integrative session whereby environmental and managerial components including sustainability are presented and discussed. It will focus on the measures and actions undertaken after March 11 to restore the tsunami and earthquake devastated area along the coastline in Japan considering aspects related to the restoration and rebuilding of cities, coastal areas, estuaries and rias, lower watersheds (which would include rivers and streams), fishing grounds, etc. The topics to be included would consider inland and coastal waters interaction, sediments and pollution aspects in fisheries and seafarming productivity as well as fish migration, sea fences and protecting coastal structures, Satoumi practices and local communities involvement and related environmental sustainability issues.
発表方法希望 口頭および(または)ポスターセッション
招待講演 GOTO, Kazuhisa (Tohoku University)
TANAKA, Masaru (Kyoto University)